The defenseless, innocent self that had gone away a long time ago. He sat down again, against one of Lynns soccer balls. Rita stated. Her thoughts made her not noticing the door opening and when someone steps in, Lynn Jr. goes to the action mode, by jumping at the bed and throwing the ball at the person. Lynn: I hope you like the taste of steel. They laughed again, and started heading towards her direction. Luan opened the back door and throws a pie at Lynn's face. Danica: The one and only! The rest of the Loud sisters saw the whole thing and they were moved by Lincoln and Lynn hugging, even Lucy and Lisa were moved by the hug. Lynn then sees Danica Morgan taking pictures.]. he tried to yell, but his mouth was covered by a hand, muffling his words. Lewd. Luan laughed and her siblings groaned. Lincoln said and the family all hugged. Loud parents reaction to Lincoln being kicked out, Loud House - Lincoln Gets Busted at the Millers. "You don't have to wear that mascot suit anymore." He enjoyed solitary pursuits and . T-Rated (bloodless violence, heavy wounds, mild threats) Synopsis Lincoln has enough of Lynn bullying him so he makes a plan to defeat her. "Lincoln is not wearing his anti-jinx suit! The glass on the table smashed as well, causing shards to puncture Lincoln's arms, legs, and back. [Finally, Bob fires. Was it just because Lincoln was well known as Lynns younger brother? The siblings find themselves becoming. Marshs arm was bent at a funny angle, and she was clutching her stomach with her good arm. "So you want me to wear that squirrel mascot and I can come back inside?" youre so fine gotta gotta get to know ya - new jeans, We need more things about Lynn loud, tell me if u have any good story's or anything about Lynn She had never experienced this with any other bullies. Lynn: Whoops! Hey guys, Emily here. Who will emerge victorious? Can Lynn beat him? His first task: finding people who are worthy to wield it. Lincoln, who did this to you? she growled, staring straight into her brothers red eyes, shaking his shoulders. Danica: I have a brother too. "No offence Lola and Lana. The room instantly became quiet, and the sisters parted enough to reveal Lincoln. Dont. Lynn said. Each of them were holding medical supplies varying from band-aids to giant x-ray machines(Excluding Lynn, who was wielding her signature metal baseball bat). She needs to 'come out of the closet' and tell her family who she really is. [He lunges forward, swinging his sword, but Lynn ducks. His older sister was more of the demanding type, and saw pleading as showing weakness. Friend Pride in Her Chest (Fanfic) - TV Tropes Having now beco During the events of nsl Lincoln is raped by his family as this causes his mind to shatter into 9 other parts each with their own personality and some with powers. Lynn Jr. (Throwing the ball): AH HA! Lynnloud Stories - Wattpad Lincoln whispered. Loudhouse Stories - Wattpad [Alexander throws the ball, but cant get it into the basket, prompting Lynn to laugh smugly. Lets do split squats instead. Lucy replied. The broken barricade was scattered all over the room, and the door was kicked wide open. Samantha is short and African-American, Blake is tall and Caucasian, and Rodney is average height and Asian. !! When Lincoln walks downstairs he sees his sisters minus Lynn and his parents. When they saw Lincolns swollen eye, they all gasped and started attacking him with their equipment. THIS STORY IS FOR THE REALLY LOUD HOUSE CAST, NOT THE ANIMATED SERIES! It read in Lincolns scrawly handwriting: LYNN AND LINCOLN LOUDS FORT: DO NOT ENTER.. With the letters getting smaller and smaller to fit the banner. Lynn is athletic and competitive. We see Gareth Kepler, Iris Clark, Lynn Loud, and Katie Wallace! Leni stated. Rachel Marsh was a tall girl with long, shiny black hair that she kept back in a high ponytail. Halloween es una fecha para sustos, dulce o truco y dulces muchos dulces, pero Lincoln no esperaba ninguno de los que le dieron este ao.Ttulo corregido, esto se trata de halloween y las otras festividades. Even if they end up pregnant. LynnsterLunatic Lynn (by herself)Lynn-sanity (by Rusty, Margo and Luna)Lynn-arino (by Lincoln)Snorezilla (by Lincoln)Sporty (by Lisa)Lynn-er (by herself)Dude (by Luna)Sis (by Lincoln and Luna)Lincoln's sister (by Flip)L.J. Danicas pet goldfish shakes his head from in his bowl.]. By: Flagg1991. [Blake gets out of the pool and walks off, while Olivia rights herself and keeps swimming.]. ], [Roy lunges forward and stabs Lynn on the side, then she runs up and stabs him on the belly. She is named after her father. She stopped spinning, which resulted to becoming the Lynn Loud we know and love today. Iris is a girl about Luans height with red pigtails and glasses, while Katie is Asian and has her hair in a bob.]. "You caused this to happen to me?!" "Even I felt bad hurting my closest siblings." [She runs upstairs and puts on music. The wooden walls were covered in tic-tac-toe and hangman games(which of all Lynn won), and even scores for. Lincoln thought for a moment, and asked Lynn, "How come sports are really important to you? What's that smell?" Biggest butt in the house, baby! Lori: Anyway, the boys found the ghost in the library and they chased it around with their little zap guns, but eventually, they found out that they didnt need those, because they just told it to leave me alone and it did. Whoa! Then youll get in trouble for doing so, and our parents are going to be mad at you, and so on and on. Lynn: Same here! "Is that too much too ask?!" Will one of them get to win? You're probably wondering why I'm upset. And I like to give him Dutch ovens. Lincoln stared at his Lynn, who looked at him beggingly. Alias(es) "This didn't make me feel any better." Lynn gulped and the dog chased her around. These people know what theyre doing. Despite her age, her short appearance makes it seem like she's a preteen, not a teenager. behind him. But when they did this he discovered a power that few have learned, and very few hav thisislowkeyembarassingbutikeepseeingedits. Lynn was standing in the doorway, her foot in a kicking position, surrounded by her 9 sisters. Seriously, Lincoln? Super Louds {Loud house Fanfic} by Many_Fandoms_with_Marie. Earl: These two are both strong contestants! Earl: This is quite the winning streak for Lynn! 1314 (possibly) Since we have some privacy here, can you tell me now?. - This is my first and last sequel to No such Luck. Good Clyde's Broken Heart | The Loud House Fanon Wikia | Fandom Species Lynn: *to the audience* Of course, you can't really give someone a two-for-flinching if they don't flinch. That means no sports until you apologize to Lincoln." Lynn spoke to the readers. "It was the hottest summer day in 2009, I was sitting at the bleachers, eating a hot dog, sipping a soda through a straw and listening to "Queen, My Name Was Brian McGee." Lynn continued her story, "And it was the moment that I was Lynn Loud, the all-star sport star.". Lynn whine. said Lincoln and glared at Lynn. She was not trying to show it in front of Lincoln and Clyde though. I was kicked out of my own house by my own family. said Lynn Sr. "Well you're no longer bad luck." After being disowned and get treated by her famil Ronnie Anne descubre un secreto gracias a Lynn que cambiar su vida para siempre. said Lincoln. [Mallory spins around and gives Lynn a left hook, sending her stumbling backwards, but she doesnt fall.]. Lynn scores another. [Lynn excitedly runs up, stands dynamically with her hands on her hips, and gets given her gold medal. Lynn just gave a deadpan look, but she smiled. Lynn screams and runs away from the bees, she was surrounded by a swarm of bees, she rolled on the ground back and forth. Earl: Next up, the swimming race! The next morning, Lynn begins to open her eyes slowly and she sees a giant squirrel head on the coffee table. . Elizabeth: I dont really mind losing. "Well let's go get some ice cream." [They start playing. Luna Loud: But what about Lincoln? I asked the boys if they could bring him back, but they didnt know how, so I asked Lucy and her friends, and they accepted. Watch. Did he want his sister to be seen like this? (by herself, Lynn Sr, Luna, Grant, Lincoln, and Lori)Helen (in disguise)Farty McStink Pants (by her classmates)Lynn Jr. (by Lynn Sr. and Rita)The SportThe Penguin (by some spectators at a hockey game)Dear sister (by Lisa)The hall monitor (by Lincoln) "We thought you would go nuts!" And I feel thats a better way of doing representation than creating a character thats solely to let people know that the group they represent exists. The Loud Family & Casagrandes are victims of Lisa's new batch of experiments Im looking for someone who would like to take on an online script role play for fun based off the 2021 Netflix movie, The Loud House movie. It shows that lesbian mothers are just like any other parents, and that they do normal, everyday things just like other parents do. His sisters all looked at Lincoln with confused looks on their faces. Danica: Youve sure got the meat in your cheeks! Lori tried to wrap Lincoln's face with gauze, but was constantly bumped in by her sisters and accidentally wrapped parts like his arms, neck, and waist. Until Luan comes up with a project that may save their beloved sisteror get her in even more trouble. [Lynn and Roy, who is a few inches taller than Lynn but other than that its hard to tell what he looks like since theyre both in fencing uniforms, face each other on the stadium.]. Lincoln, after being left out tries to see who is ansestors are to see who he's supposed to be and thanks to Lisa, two familiar faces will be joining him. Female Next up is a fencing match between Lynn Loud and Roy McKinney! Then I mopped the floor with you, and weve just kept at it from then. She poked Conner, pointing in Lynns direction, and started talking. Gender Holding one hand over his swollen black eye, he rummaged through his drawers, trying to find some bandages. It's dark out here and I'm cold." We're monsters to her! Love Story || Lynn Loud Jr x fem r. by ilovewomen69. ], [Finally, Katie has her turn. "Awwww!" Lynn: *excitedly to herself* Eee! "I can handle it." Then, she gets up and they both jump forward and end up poking each other on the chest simultaneously.]. Lisa: I know the last time I tried to improve your fortune was unsuccessful, but all the same, I hope your fortune is good. He is bullied at school because of them, neglected at After all the hate and mistreat at Ronnie Anne's Party, The family mistreat him at The Loud House Disrespectful, Irresponsible, Hateful, Hypocritical, Ignorance, Unfair What if Lincoln was a worldwalker? In an alternate universe Lucy doesn't exist and so the Loud family is different. Seans words were cut off by a blow to his chest, which knocked him to the ground. [Lynn charges forward and tries to hit Mallory, but she bobs and weaves out of the way, and then runs forward in a left cross, hitting Lynn again.]. Old wax crayons and papers were scattered all over, and of course, Lynns balls naturally were there, too. Then, my club started glowing and floating! Lynn Jr said, "Daddy, no, you don't have to, he's got it in his room." Lynn Sr then turned to Lynn Jr and said, "I'm going to shoot you and end your life once and for all." Lynn Jr started crying and said, "Don't do that, Daddy, don't do it, I love you." Without hesitation, Lynn Sr then shoots Lynn Jr in the chest. Maybe Lisas rubbing off on him. His arrow flies over the target and lands on the ground in front of the audience.]. Lincoln said. Plus I will never say sorry for being right.". Ill go get her autograph no, I have to pay attention. We have more in common than I realised! Who will be the winner? "But what about the squirrel mascot costume?" Nadia: Thanks. [At Danicas house, the two arm wrestle. Lynn clenched her teeth, almost breaking a tooth, as the blanket was lifted and bright light blinded her. Lincoln Loud swung his front door open, blinking back his tears of pain and dashing up the stairs. Alexander scores a basket, then Lynn does, then Alexander scores two, then Lynn scores one by throwing it from the other side of the field.]. Chris Savino. Lynn asked. Like 10 - Things in the Sea are Touching Me by Linda Jane Keegan and Ngarae Roberts Having two mothers is normal This isnt the primary message of the book its not like Heather Has Two Mommies, where thats the whole point the story instead focuses on this lesbian couples daughter being afraid of things touching her in the ocean and thats why I like the book. The driver shouted as drove off. Lisa said. Her revenge wasnt done. "What are you guys doing?!" Lynn: So do I! the only thing that is mine is the storyline Well, maybe we can! Lori fired back, pulling her younger sister away from Lincoln. Earl: Mallory seems to have the advantage, but you should never underestimate an underdog! "Can you come downstairs.". Even Lily joined in, kissing her older brothers boo boo., The only one who didn't participate in the medicalypse was Lynn, who hung back, watching the flurry of sisters and bandages. Lynn asked. Lincoln ran off. Paula: I hope you win, girl! Would telling her make anything better? Status But it wasnt hers. Lynn snorted. We were five, but you still mopped the floor with me. Contents 1 Biography was the one with the situation, he felt dumbfounded and helpless. Lincoln said as he sat next to Lynn. Luan said as she and Lincoln walked downstairs. Lane Loud SighLynn, this isnt making anything better.. "At first I was happy putting Lynn in her place, but now that I think about it I'm worse than her." ], [She starts leaping and cartwheeling, prompting her siblings to enter the living room out of curiosity.]. She growled, knocking Marsh to the ground next to Conner. She enjoys playing many different types of sports, including football, soccer, hockey, basketball, and baseball. to you. She jabbed a finger at his swollen black eye, and his hands flew up to cover the injury. [She starts jumping and punching the air as a victory dance, but then falls over and chuckles awkwardly. The Loud sisters all laughed at Lynn, but Lincoln didn't laugh at Lynn's misfortune he felt sad for his older sister. Lily Loud (evil side) Earl: And for our last match, a boxing match between Lynn Loud and Mallory Krellman! The family turns and sees Lynn at the doorway with a baseball bat in her hand. She then scores more baskets. Olivia starts off by scoring a goal. Give me the deets! Lynn is an eighth grader (a seventh grader in the first four seasons) at Royal Woods Middle School, which she attends with her brother Lincoln. Ronnie Anne sees Lincoln kicked out of his home and decides to take him out of there. "As you can see at the game where your winning streak ended he had nothing to do with bad luck. Youre a girl! Lynn turned to face the eleven year old boy. I get it, I made you life miserable." Guilt started to wash inside of her just as she spotted the two bullies by the seesaw. Lynnda Lee Loud Jr. Lincoln said and Lynn was confused by what Lincoln said. "Really?!" Nadia: Great! "Dude, she made us into monsters, made you wear that mascot costume 24/7. Plus made you wear that squirrel costume. Lynn shouted with her voice breaking. said Lynn. She slowly stepped back from the bullies, until she completely turned back and started running. Olivia swoops in and starts chasing the puck, but Lynn takes after her and they charge around for a bit before Olivia ends up scoring. Lynn screams in terror and falls off the couch, but when she gets back up it was just the head of the squirrel mascot. Lincoln took a deep breath at his sisters reaction, hoping for the best for what he was about to say. Lucy had brought him a potion that she claimed would instantly cure him, but crashed into Leni, spilling the green liquid over his bandages. There's a documentary of her on in five minutes; I'll show it to you! Sky Luan: These videos say she's super polite, and is almost as big of a health nut as Lori, so if I were you, I'd save the junk food 'til the end of the day. Qu puede ocurrir en una tarde, entre dos hermanos que se han amado desde hace mucho tiempo? Lincoln was in his room and he sighs. Lincoln smiled through his pain from the nostalgia. She is also skilled in various forms of martial arts, such as kickboxing, Mexican wrestling (or lucha libre), and parkour. ", Then someone knocks on the door. However, now that. I just hate when people feel sorry for me when I lose. I thought that was another Loud! Marsh drawled, looking down at Lynn as if she was a particularly cute animal. Work Search: I do not own Loud House nor the characters Join Lincoln as he ventures with 35 sisters (kinda over Luna was born with a cursed she is able to transform into a werewolf at every full moon, she is the only Loud to do so. Lana puts mud down Lynn's shirt, so Lynn puts mud down Lana's overalls. "This is nuts Luan." Lincoln is the only white boy in an Interracial family of girls as he is the happily adopted son of the Loud Family, and he had no idea what his older sisters and mom want. But Lincoln watched Lynn getting chased by the dog and it reminded him of all the torment he went through. [Gareth tries to score, but Lynn hits the ball back and scores.]. As she prepares to head off to college, Lynn resolves to spend as much time with her favorite little brother as possible. Well I lied to my family about being bad luck and they all banned me from the house and made me sleep outside. there is an actual Loud house movie, you'll need to have seen at least the beginning to undserstand this story Part 3 of The Multiverse Saga Language: English Words: Luna said. "She's my type definitely" (another NSL fanfic) Takes place in the middle of the night as lincoln was walking through the streets of royal woods as he was kicked out of his own home by his family Getting kicked out of The Loud Family, Lincoln runs away and was in Central City, while there, he meets a kind scientist let him to live in at his lab as along as Lincol Lincoln Loud was viewed by many to be a strong, caring, and kind person. That was chapter 1 of The Trouble With Lynn, brought to you by Eclecticallyem. In a world where metahumans and superheroics are common place, Lincoln Loud is just trying to get through each day with as little fantastical chicanery as possible. "I apologized to them but Lynn still thinks I'm jinx. Lori: Then we tried putting on a show, but that didnt work either, but then one of them got caught up with a group of cheerleaders and they had a disco ball, which reminded Lucy that you can see ghosts through broken mirrors. That was the only feminine point about her, the rest of her body could be mistaken for a boys. Both were covered in bruises and groaning mindlessly. Earl: Starting this off, we will be having one-on-one basketball. said Lincoln. Well, yes I can, and you wont be stopping me. Lynn said angrily. She has a habit of turning everything into a competition. In his agony, he managed to push a few possessions of his and block the doorway. Conners nose was broken, blood pouring out of it and staining his clothes. She had garbage thrown at her, chased by bees and a angry dog. said Lynn. And probably nix on those bad habits of yours too. But I had to warn the mascot suit to protect them from my bad luck." "Yeah, you're now free to come on put activities without wearing that squirrel mascot." said Luan and slammed the door in front of Lynn's face. Lori: Thats great news! "We treated our brother like he was trashed. Lincoln loosened his grip on her hand, and Lynn left the shed, swinging the door shut as she went out. It was poorly done. Behind her, the sisters tried to stop Lynn, afraid that Lincoln would be even more hurt. Lynn Jr.: She WHAT?! To be honest, I feel a little bit better. Lincoln Loud has become responsible for safekeeping the power of Shazam. Danica: Rodneys got a hole in two! Lincoln had absolutely no idea of what Lynn was planning to do, but he had a feeling it wouldnt be good. His bad luck could be contagious!". I threatened you to come at my game. Lincoln said. [Lynn is pitted against Olivia, who is a blonde girl about Lynns height with a ponytail.]. said Lincoln. Her sisters were remained silence. Cheryl was coming closer to her, her shouts getting louder. Lucy sighed. I took advantage of the whole jinx thing for free time, but I felt lonely and I was kicked out by my whole family, when I confessed I was still rejected." Thanks for telling me. So knock em dead! Her siblings are devastated over the news, but what can they do? Lincoln ranted. Luan laughed. But what's worse is that Lynn slipped on a banana peel and landed on her back. "Correction. . Her feelings for Lincoln, her little brother, are tormenting her. Please consider turning it on! 5.1K 113 9. omfggggg ok so ive seen so fucking many of wack ass fanfics abt the loud house like gurl- y r the . Whoa!" [Sprays Lynn with her trick flower, making them both laugh. Lynn, wait!. Despite the subject's awkwardness, this story is in no way a Rule 34 and actually has some emotional bonding between Lynn and Lori as well as humour. "Stop sending me on a guilt trip! Eventually, he did come back, and at the time, I was so scared of him that I literally lost my hair, but now that hes back and my hair is back, hes not so bad. Lisa groaned with a deadpan look. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (30), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Satoshi no Pikachu | Ash Ketchum's Pikachu, Lincoln Loud/Lynn Loud Jr./Lucy Loud/Stella Zhau, More tags to be added if I can be bothered, Dulce Dulce Halloween, chicas y das festivos, Loud House Movie Alternative Ending Creepypasta Role Play offer, Una tarde cualquiera, en un da cualquiera (Lynncoln), relationship tags and rating subject to change, Alternate Universe - The Sin Kids (The Loud House). Lynn: Im in the Royal Woods Junior Olympics next week, and if I win, I get to meet Danica Morgan! Can one of you pass me an air freshener, please? Lynn tends to turn everything into a competition - her siblings consider this to be her most annoying habit. "I'm your sister. Lincoln said. Lynn: *from offscreen* Woo! I plan to throw a party when it comes off. Lynn: I agree. "We're putting this whole thing behind us." Tears started to make their way down her cheeks. Danica: And for the next sport, we have a tennis match! Lynn Sr. replied. [Lynn scores again, making her the winner. Lynn's Next Chapter Chapter 5, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction Lynn's punishment | The Loud House Fanon Wikia | Fandom in: Episodes, Episodes focusing on Lynn Loud, Re-writes, and 2 more Lynn's punishment View source My 2nd fanfic on the wiki. "And I thought I was the heartless one." If you have . He was pulled out of the room and the chaos, dragged down the stairs, all the way to the backyard. You said that I was jinxed because you lost your winning streak that was acting like a 6 year old." He slammed his bedroom door behind him, throwing his backpack onto his desk. Usually Stinkoln is the one who talks to the audience, but today, I have something to tell you -- *mischievously* I plan to give whoever comes in next a two-for-flinching! First time posting here. Lynnda "Lynn" Lee Loud, Jr. is a main character in The Loud House. This is the birthday party of the now 15 year old daughter, Lynn Loud Jr, and boy has she changed. Annake "I forgive you guys." I found they were losing, so I tried to come back to bring them good luck, but I ended up having to run away from some ushers, and I ended up on the rink and scoring big points! " ?" They keep laughing and farting, while Lola walks past and gags.]. Luna: Oh, that's who this Danica Morgan lady is. This is my first Loud House fanfiction, so it might be crappy(I hope you understand). [She leans back and dramatically swings the club, hitting the ball squarely into the hole.]. That happens every time you do it. Reposted from AFF, and based off of assembled greenposts done for TLVG, enjoy nine chapters (plus a bonus chapter!) [They hose themselves off, then Lynn goes inside and looks through the mail. "Hey can I come in?" Lynn is an eighth grader (a seventh grader in the first four seasons) at Royal Woods Middle School, which she attends with her brother Lincoln. Danica: And the winner is Lynn by a whisker! [Slides down the railing and somersaults off, landing gracefully on her feet. Here is the same, but for books. Lincoln stared at his Lynn, who looked at him beggingly. And what if he has met his great love before but forgot it? The bandages also bound his left arm and right leg to his neck, which made him look like an awkward mummy. Lori: The boys then interrogated me in the cafeteria and accidentally spilled drinks on the janitor, but just as we were about to clean it up, it literally cleaned itself up! Lynn farts. Story At afternoon Lincoln returned home from his school, complaining about how bad day he had there. Lynn ignored her sisters comments. He hits the target, but doesnt quite get a bullseye.]. Lynn and Rodney are neck and neck, with Samantha close behind, Alexander and Olivia in the middle, and Blake floundering a bit at the back. Luan shouted. Luan: So far, shes got the pole thing covered! She loves to play sports and enjoys roughhousing with her siblings. twelve year old lynn loud would Follow/Fav Lynn's Next Chapter. ], [They get up, crouch down, and start wiggling and slapping their butts.]. Eventually, she gets the ball into the hole. The little shed was a perfect place to seek comfort with each other, and even filled it with their personal belongings. The two were the local bully duo, picking on random kids for money, for exercise, for fun. I know you can do it! I was trying to earn the respect for my siblings!" The secretary, Cheryl, was running towards the playground, her face bright red. Lynn: My parents did the same thing to me last year! She's my favourite athlete! Lynn was driven with pure rage, no self-control at all. All common sense yelling at her to keep it to herself, and let it die but it is not all of her talking. [Lucy just shrugs. Then sold my stuff.