Small fires do not burn like the entire building was going up. The city of Denver appears to be a hot spot for harassment. Click below to listen now. Firstly, get to know the type of door they use, e.g., Interior or exterior door. Does the word Gang, as in Gang Stalking, refer to Street Gangs? On other nights will wake up once, cry for a few mins before one of us is in to settle. I have family who work at the DOD so it is possible this is why I am experiencing this crap. Passion in a relationship should mean . while out golfing. USN soldier time is limited thats right, and myself included have been and probably still am a target. Talking in public about private things in the targets life. If your employer has a complaint procedure (which it should) use it to report the harassment to the appropriate parties within your company. Use a rubber band. Peer Pressure/ Need to Fit In Former stalkers have stated they participated out of fear of becoming the next target should they go against the group. Youll want to check the local noise ordinances and harassment laws in your state and local area. Some Stalkers are actual Private Investigators who have been hired to gather information concerning the victim. Since she does her work so timely and well, her tantrums are overlooked I think. She tried to frame me for the fire, but I told the insurance company exactly what happened & a few days later they closed the case. Also, make sure to explain the issue properly and how it bothers you. Paying for your neighbors upgrades would be cheaper than hiring a lawyer to go to court. That is to say, they allow the door to swing freely for opening, etc., but when closing they slow the door to a very slow swing. He was a known Hollywood writer. Members of these Organized Stalking and Harassment groups will try to lure targets into various situations for the sole purpose of setting them up. She has a door?! I was waking up with a body full of bruises & had no memory of it. I kept praying to It can be challenging to be compassionate and empathetic toward someone who is difficult to be around. I've spent WAY too much time thinking about this, and figured out that when the wind blows a certain direction, there's negative air pressure in the hallway, which pulls the front door closed with some force, unless you carefully hold the handle the entire way and make the door close quietly. Yes, the architraves, windows, everyone at home, and the door hardware can be damaged by slamming the doors. However, if this does not help as well, then you might involve the local authorities. The answer is to invite the person over for a drink or dinner and talk to them calmly and politely about it. Absolutely Not! Color Harassment is literally the use of color to harass a victim. You win.. God bless you. If politely talking to your neighbor doesnt resolve the issue, consider reporting to your landlord or HOA, offering to pay for the installments, or filing a legal complaint. Persons with this condition build up too much iron in their blood. It worked for a few months but the stalkers found a cheep residence that put them within eye sight of my uncles house. I wonder whether any persons in the upper sector of society possess the decency to look into the matter of serial torture and murder of my family of origin. No asking or offering gifts, money, etc. They also make sure that those people will not contact you and they avoid anybody who would alert you. Gas Lighting simply is trying to convince someone that they are crazy or imagining things. Example; If you mention Organized Gang Stalking to someone who knows about it and they tell you youre crazy or paranoid they ARE Gas Lighting you. Dealing with someone who is passive-aggressive isn't always easy. These are conversations that complete strangers will have out in public relating to the target and their personal situations. He was supposedly going to provide some kind of commentary. You may have no idea why this is happeningespecially if the person denied they were even mad. I still remember the very rapid process by which I realized that I had been taken to be utilized for research. She has a problem with authority. It is important for you to point this out. sms, gmail forgot password, apple location (physically sane geolocation), bluetooth abd hotspot middle manning. I have lost relationships with all my kids. They may also employ some Gaslighting, or Jacketing tactics. I have come to the conclusion that these people will use every conceivable method to end me. Stalking can be defined as a pattern of repeated and unwanted attention, harassment, contact, or any other course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear. Thank you for all of your information and for you website. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'budgetfriendlyfurnishing_com-banner-1','ezslot_7',120,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-budgetfriendlyfurnishing_com-banner-1-0'); Involving the local authorities means filing a complaint towards the door slammer. When I ask him was he contacted he says NO. Therefore, slamming doors could be included in a mild type of harassment. Eg. Knowing she is doing it on purpose makes it ten times worse. No longer as I seldom feel the need to smile other than sadly. Please check out I've asked landlord to soundproof door to prevent slamming or to move me to another apartment. Some internet groups which help stalking victims are heavily populated with perpetrators posing as victims. Reading through different posts on this sub, some of the things written by other posters sound like I could have written them myself. You can serve him with a three day notice to abate or quit. This past May, the stalkers hacked our computers and all devices by breaking through our home router. Some stalkers mistakenly believe it is their civil duty. Eg: They will surround the target in a square like formation if possible. 1. I could go to Keele St., wait for a large box truck, race out in front of it and throw myself under the wheels. She loves to take sunbathe and do a barbecue in her free time. This guy has good info about you, get to know the lord ASAP. It seems best to ignore the door slamming and just stay away from her when she is in that mode. Such a film was K-Pax, which was a near-verbatim ripoff of an Argentina film (a much better film too) called Man Facing Southeast. They must be a way to organize a group to so that we might live in better situations. This is trying to copy things in a targets life. Noise disturbance, Produce accidents, Stalking (roaming and watching), Invasion (destroy towns), Manipulate the targets life (they pretend to be normal residents in front of the cops). You can not suggest or correct her on anything. If she starts throwing things duck! Although the complainant must be an employee of the company, even a witness to severe harassment can complain about a hostile work environment. It was very hurtful. This thing gets up at 3am to turn this crap on to torture me when I sleep. Gang Stalking How many times do I have to fight death. See Gang Stalking Organized Stalking. Setting up targets could involve getting them arrested, institutionalized, set up on fake sexual harassment charges, drug charges, illegal pornographic materials, etc. Do not just go over to their door and demand that they stop slamming their doors. Ive been listening to your show long enough to hear some major problems with your spiel and wanted to send you some feedback. Ive contacted federal trade commission cause they hack into every phone and identity theft, I have the same issue with the phones , but also the internet. She is specific to the financial department. Use your fears and beliefs to control you or the situation. There is a heavy lobby door that automatically slams shut if you don't prevent it from doing so (stopping it from slamming is effortless and takes about 1.5 seconds). Ive been following the Targeted Massachusetts show on RBN, and wanted to send you a copy of the letter I sent him, detailing some problems with his narrative. Options for preventing doors from slamming (wind) The word, Gang, refers to multiple people who organize/group together for a common purpose. It's like the Devil you know vs the Devil you don't. However, they are fronts to stalk, monitor and collect data on different demographics, funded by huge capital firms like Goldman Sachs. If you join a support group, you may also receive harassment via threads posted on message boards. One of my sisters is experiencing the same exact tactics. SOS! Neighbors Complaining About Noise From My Apartment - DoNotPay Mobbing Eg. These demons have know you before you were born. meaning - Can we say a door is slammed open? - English Language & Usage The point is it doesnt make sense, and creates a paradox. However, this appears to be the level of corrupt idiocy going on now in the US. The same goes for family. It seems fairly clear that I was supposed to have an accident and drown in the river. When it comes to door slamming, theres no denying that the noise can be irritating and disrupt your peace. Using occupational health and safety laws, warning markers can be added to a targets file. Let any attempt only bring g you pleasure now that you know the secret. -Any time I use my door past 8pm (to check the mail, to let someone in, or my partner leaves for the night), they get up from whatever they are doing to open and slam their door. My formal supervisor at Louisiana State University made me a Target Individual. She resigned the next day and thanked me for pointing out her unhappiness. They may hold a council for the community or issue a warning to your neighbor. However, do not get accusatory and angry because you can get the same reactions from the other side. For around $10, you can place a flexible rubber seal that will dampen any so. It also establishes your willingness to hold the person accountable, which helps stop the passive-aggressive cycle. The following techniques are several types that are often used against Targeted Individuals. Remember when you first got your outdoor table? My father and two of my brothers had suffered highly suspicious, highly premature deaths. Subject standing still lay one hand against back, or on stomach, 4. The street theatre has been most interesting almost comical, At times. Its not credible to me that a centralized agency of our Government would be doing this. If enough complaints are reported, a responsible HR Director will call a meeting with that person and should provide a verbal warning and so on. i was drugged w jimmson weed as well and halluincinated all w the hopes of robbing me perhaps even killing me. This is my first post here. Tracking me, well I think its the drones flying in the sky outside the house which is way out in the country from town. Some will sabotage others quietly, when no one is watching, then act innocent when confronted. She is an enthusiastic door slammer, and stair stomper, and these two things, while annoying to the other neighbors around us, for me have been a really big deal. Organized Gang Stalking is experienced by the Targeted Individual as psychological attack, that is capable of immobilizing and destroying them over time. Verywell Mind's content is for informational and educational purposes only. Also, I have provided some alternatives that you can use if by talking you cannot resolve the problem. It cut me and also burned me from the inside of my body. I do work for her manager as well as the other managers in our offices, so there are times when we must interact. They obviously wished to utilize criminals to diagnose him with a mental illness, which he did not have. I could be. The network is run by contractors and by DHSs (Department of Homeland Securitys) 78 fusion centers. A campaign of threats, noise harassment, vehicular surveillance and constant bombardment with stimulus. I live in Melbourne, Australia and have been a victim of ongoing harassment for over seven long years now. For many reasons, I am fairly certain that I was sold to the MKULTRA program. Good luck! Question: There are three administrative assistants in my office, including myself. I would leap at the opportunity to get away from the evil neighbor, whose bad energy just permeates this side of the building, but for a couple of things. Harassment by vehicles with loud or squeaky parts such as loud mufflers, squeaky fan belts or loud intentional squeaky brakes. 1: A neighbor leaves his or her house at the same time another neighbor arrives home . Another common passive-aggressive behavior is that when the person is asked to do something they don't want to do, instead of saying no, they say yes. When confronted, the person may make inappropriate remarks and mumble under their breath. I think that my relatives would like to end my life and being medical experts, would like it to appear to be a natural death. Often the lies will consist of the target being into something illegal, or is someone dangerous, or just needs to be watched for some vague reason. Also paint gun distance away. Entertainment Value/Thrill of Participation in an Illegal activity. The association has been formed because of all the other harassment. Second, many stalkers actually want the victim to engage them in some fashion. What To Do About Neighbor Slamming Doors? - Budget Friendly Furnishing How to Tell if Your Neighbor is Harassing You | Caretaker Multiple neighbor bedrooms, including my old bedroom, were in close proximity to that door. Getting the cops involved is another option, and it entails filing a complaint against the neighbor involved. Disrupting the targets life and sleep with loud power tools, construction, stereos, doors slamming, etc. However, being firm, direct, and honest in your response can help open the lines of communication while establishing boundaries that serve to stop the passive-aggressive cycle. And, it is always a good idea to keep your resume current while periodically looking at other jobs. The first thing you should do if your neighbors doors keep slamming and distracting your rest is to speak with them. 11 Major Signs of Emotional Abuse in a Relationship - Allure Health. I came to this conclusion by observing my roommates behavior. Make sure you use I statements, stick to facts, and dont come across as angry or accusatory since they might react in a similar manner. I really need to conversate with other targeted individuals. My son-in-law is a chemist & it turns out he was drugging me, because what he was doing. Budget Friendly Furnishing might earn compensation related to advertising fees by redirecting traffic to specific websites. Anonymous. Make Use of felt pads. You just wonder whats going on. I thought she was nuts. ** Workplace harassment as defined in the Occupational Health and Safety Act includes harassment based on sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation and non-Code harassment, i.e., harassment that is not based on a prohibited ground listed above. Sensitization is getting targets sensitive to an everyday stimuli. If this becomes a frequent act, it could be termed antisocial behavior and being rude on the part of the person involved. My Neighbor Has Too Many Cars: What To Do? My neighbor has been harassing me for years. They've now learned my Seeing where they like to shop and eat. Please everyone, listen to these words I say. I realized that if Luciferians were in need of children where would they look? Certain states have enacted stronger protection through their anti-discrimination laws than what is offered by the federal government. However, it is not antisocial if it is linked to noise from arriving from work, the kids returning from school, and other daily routines. The individuals that belong to these cults are using local police 10 ham radio codes to harass and to convey harassment related themes to the individual being targeted for years at a time. When a teacher found out that my family name had been Winemaker and had been changed, we moved away from a three story home near Keele St. School, to a dumpy apartment building, near the Humber River. "Folks who get targeted often have difficulty with being assertive and affirmative, which is a similar challenge for those who resort to passive-aggressive bullying creating a vicious cycle. Any behavior that is insulting, rude, vulgar, desecrating, or showing disrespect. What if my neighbor Is a harsh and arrogant type of person? Eg. Covert Investigations have redirected phone calls. Hostile Work Environment Law | Justia Doing whatever the target is doing. Organized Gang stalking is a highly criminal campaign, one directed at a target individual, and one that aims to destroy an innocent persons life through covert harassments, malicious slander and carefully crafted and executed psychological assaults. The closers are expensive, but they'll do the trick. When I was four years old, just turning five, I pulled the skin forward one day and looked carefully at the scar. I googled target marketing and than targeted individuals and from there found the real thing.gangstalking In some cases, the person who is passive-aggressive may not even realize that they are angry or feeling resentfulbecause their feelings have been repressed or they have poor self-awareness. 1 attorney answer. Mobbing is a term that describes Group Bullying. Ive come to accept Im out numbered and I have no privacy I use to feel quilty like I must of done something to deserve this but I dont anymore. The woman, who lives in an inner west suburb of Perth, said the "aggressive" note came from a man who lives four apartments away from her. Almost was 302 again, trying to report my husbands abuse with proof. The malicious slander continues with the building manager & quite a few tenants are slandering my name. Finally, after a year of this, the lock was changed. For one, the stalkers automatically assume the victim is guilty of an atrocity and thus deserves the treatment. Yes, but it should be your last resort. And giving it time. Homes that surround my house also have devices aimed at my home. My first cousin sends her Pink nurse to the building where I live and she visits Donnell Enns, who does not appear to live in my building, but rather, seems to be on surveillance duty. creaky opening and slamming door sound - Microsoft Community Remember, if you want to resolve the problem successfully, you need to be reasonable. Members of these groups will use this as a means to monitor and psychologically harass targets. They might ask for your phone number after engaging you in conversation. If this site is not controlled opposition, can you explain why it is allowed to make negative comments about globalists and is not taken down? My life is ruined and the last family member I have thinks Im nuts. Millions! Occasionally, things could even cross the line into deliberate and targeted harassment. Targeted Individuals complain about being cut off, driven off the road, and near fatal or fatal car accidents. . Id look anyway. Over time, the exposure causes the victim to lose sleep, become agitated, and suffer the effects of prolonged stress. All rights reserved. I want to communicate with other TIs for support. Following the target everywhere they go. Also with adverbs, as down, to, up. Due process is suppose to use our eyes, ears, and intellect to avoid human cruelty of unjust actions against other living beings. This would have given a good excuse for him to take out large policies, since his wife was much younger. The other neighbors can help you talk to the person to be courteous whenever they want to shut the door. Please. Slamming The Front Door in Apartments properlayer on 13/01/2021 - 09:56 My neighbours in the apartments close by constantly slam their front doors whenever they enter/leave. The victims stories on line is very therapeutic. Furthermore, it is likely that they take advantage of existing federally-sponsored mechanisms, such as community crime watch or community policing organizations, senior citizens organizations, & religious groups, & use them as unsuspecting instruments in their retaliation campaigns. When dealing with someone who is passive-aggressive, be assertive and clear about your expectations. It's also common for someone with passive-aggressiveness to lack boundaries. Legal questions about landlord liability when one tenant harasses Loud slamming noises are the last thing you want to hear while youre in your private space. Profiles will be created on targets by: Following them. Do Butterflies Like Hibiscus? He doesnt age, blink, his hair hasnt grown in 4 years, its eyes look like glass theres nothing there. However, most times, It ends in the form of verbal harassment as the noise can be irritating and devastating when it happens at all times. (2) They project a cost savings (which equals their profit) off behavior modification of people (and also kids). Years before the target ever realizes they are targets they will try to get into a targets life. Just sad about relationships destroyed We are not criminals, they are psychopaths, sociopaths, manipulative, sick,pathological mental disorders and anti-social behaviours. I wrote on this site prior but see my narrative was never published. 1-total invasion of privacy: using cctv to spying on you, recording hidden audios and videos in your home. When you comment/post, assume a context of abuse. As targets walk on the street, usually at night, members of these Organized Gang Stalking will turn on their high beams. I guess they are concerned with getting attention in any way possible. Revenge for a real or imagined offense, true or false accusations of a horrible crime of which the victim has gotten away with, silencing a corporate whistle-blower, defecting from a cult, a perceived enemy of a group or organization, and knowing too much are all examples of possible motivations. P.S. Privacy Policy. They are cynical and think they must defeat others because this is the only way to get ahead. They will get close to people that are affiliated with targets. Such behavior often borders on the extremely bizarre and is aimed at a blurring of the boundaries between reality and fantasy in the minds of the victims. I do not know whether any Luciferians would even care that a family has been serially tortured, terrorized and murdered. Getting close to the target, moving into the community or apartment where they live, across the street. It has been indicated that targets will have warning markers placed against their files. They try to leave you medically untreated. Below are some examples. I can be reached at the email