When a program is given during a Chapter meeting, the members He ordered his reapers to drop handfuls of barley that she might gather a supply and invited her to eat and drink of the provisions he had supplied. A seal is here set upon your lips. ( 13. ) Why did I become an Eastern Star? The Eastern Star considers the Lord Jesus Christ to be FATAL to the souls of its members. No, you begin. John 3:20-21 states, Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. Here they may share with the Masonic brother in promulgating the principles of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. The Order of the Eastern Star (OES) is a secret society that is similar to that of the Masons. Prayers Are Offered to the "Supreme Being" The Order is open to people of all religions.. It is common to most secret societies. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood. Interestingly, Dr. Cathy Burns, in her informative expose, Hidden Secrets of the Eastern Star, notes that even at this basic level, the Illuminist is signifying allegiance to a deity other than the Christian God . The Associate Conductress advances to the West of Esther's chair, gives the Sign of Salutation and (the Warder having given the usual raps and opened the door) retires. The king's countenance flushed with anger when he beheld her intrusion. Secret societies are, by their very nature, designed by the devil to deceive the devotees. 5. The family, consisting of Martha and Mary and their brother Lazarus, were residents of Bethany. The Star officers should each have a small bouquet or a few loose flowers of the appropriate color. She is the sister of Mary and Lazarus from the Gospel of John. To-day, we build our castles, to-morrow, fickle fortune snatches from hope the promised joy. receive the degrees; I , therefore, invite you to preside during the ceremonies of initiation. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.. We must also be sure that we are not faced with anything that distorts the truth. W. The pass. If your church is lacking in opportunities to participate in fellowship, look into what you can do. Have We Turned Our Favorite Preachers and Teachers into Idols? The Order of the Eastern Star (OES): Created to be a Masonic-style organization open to women, without simply being a copy, parody, or rip-off of the Masonic degrees. ", "That we should be called the children of God. As in other secret societies, and the cults like Mormonism and the Jehovah Witnesses, the Eastern Star employs Scripture in a corrupted manner to impress Masonic truths upon its members. Worthy Patron will remain in his station. The Eastern Star was long known as Sirius, the Dog Star, or the star of the Egyptian god of chaos, Set. In the case of this teaching before us: Fairest among ten thousand and altogether lovely are coupled together to make the word fatal. In the world where death comes not, may we realize the full happiness of loving and serving Thee forever. Though the entire passage is helpful, Matthew 23:12 in particular is worth noting: For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.. %privacy_policy%. When a man becomes a Mason, according to an NPR interview with Brent Morris of The Scottish Rite Journal, he is asked to place his hand upon the holy book he considers binding. Our initiation is symbolic of the road of life. I have. January 15, 2023, 3:00 pm, by Faithful to the duties which adverse fortune had thrown upon her, she became a gleaner in the fields of Boaz, who said to his servant that as set over his reapers: "Whose damsel is this?" Morris himself testified, I wrote every word of the original lectures and composed the songs. P. Is the candidate properly prepared? But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.. Although some writers have taken the origins back as far as 1778 or 1793, the degree format and content of today finds its roots in the design of Dr. Morris. During the march there should be vocal or instrumental music, or the Worthy Patron may recite the following: "And behold, Boaz came from Bethlehem and said unto the reapers, The Lord be with you and they answered him, The Lord bless thee." ", "And now I beseech thee, lady, not as though I wrote a new commandment unto thee, but that which we had from the beginning, that we love one another. The color appropriate to this degree is green; an emblem of nature's life and beauty and a symbol of Martha's trustful You have taken the solemn Obligation of the Order and been instructed in those sublime virtues which should adorn our lives and make this institution worthy of the protection and support of all good Masons. It goes into extraordinary detail and shows the meaning and true origins of the teaching and practices of the order. Have you the Cabalistic motto? Esther's perilous adventure was successful. The women carry symbolism, which is reflected in the Orders imagery, one woman for each point of the star. Billed as an organization promoting fraternal love and good works, it may seem a tempting club to join. Since the Order is relatively new, historically speaking, the Bible does not address it specifically. The Gospel is not only for those with a clean record. One of Christianitys main tenets is that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Amen. eastern star secret signs. Why am I proud to be an Eastern Star? Clearly, the vast majority of members of these modern secret societies, such as the Eastern Star are unaware of the real influence that lies behind their covert orders. "Jesus saith unto her, I am the Resurrection and the Life, he that believeth in me though he were dead, yet shall he live, and whosoever liveth and believeth in me, shall never die. During the march, there should be vocal or instrumental music or the Worthy Patron may recite the following: W. P. "Then said Martha unto Jesus, Lord, if thou hadst been here my brother had not died. The names of these five women are invoked in tandem with the lighting of candles in the affiliation ceremony (another variation here) where members are inducted into the order. They arrived in Bethlehem, destitute, weary and worn and Ruth was compelled to seek through menial labor the means of support for herself and the aged Naomi. However, many argue a star in the east and the Eastern Star are two different things. 28. The color appropriate to this degree is red; a symbol of that fervency which should actuate all who are engaged in the service of Truth. THE 10 CLOSEST Hotels to Boot, Dsseldorf - Tripadvisor Today's Discount Price: $39.99 $29.99. Having arrived at the West, the candidate is introduced to the Associate Matron. This should be evidence enough for most sane people to flee this darkness and run for the exit door. The Secret Work of the Order of the Eastern Star by Unknown the Eastern Star espouses no religion and is neither secret nor political. Rituals in the Order of the Eastern Star rely greatly on symbolism involving five biblical women: Adah (the supposed name of the daughter of Jephthah), Ruth, Esther, Martha, and Electa (the supposed name of the mother of James and John). Other requirements include being over the age of 18, being a resident of a state for a certain amount of time, being free of a criminal record of felony or habitual crime, assuming certain obligations, being able to participate in rituals, and even being free of disqualifying mental illness., Christianity, on the other hand, does not select members by blood, homeland, or residence. A. Jul 1, 2022 - Eastern Star Secret Signs | FREE Download Ready Made Free to download and print. God provided His Word in order that He might clearly and unambiguously communicate with mankind and reveal Himself to humanity. Adah, Ruth, Esther, Martha, and Electa What are the Heroines colors? ). You will now give attention to the address of the Worthy Matron. to the preparation room, disrobes, if robes are used, a badge of the Order put on and conducted to the East, facing West. B D Sister Conductress, you will present this sister at the fourth point of the Star for further instruction. I am the founder of the system and no one can show any proof of its existence prior to 1849.. Will you give it to me? The Signet is prepared to assist the memory of those who have received the degrees. It is given by ( 15. ) " Jephthah went forth to battle, the victory was gained and the victorious warrior returned to Mizpeh. Oh, may the golden chain thus lengthened become the brighter for this link and be strengthened for the great work we strive to do. Details. She then removes the candidate's hat, gloves and shawl or cloak, prepares and leads her to the door of the Chapter-room. The color appropriate to this degree is yellow, whose golden hue symbolizes Constancy, teaching faithful obedience to the demands of honor and justice. Life's experiences, coming thick and fast, are the soul's appointed means of growth. Masonic Handshake - Real Grip of Fellow Craft The Masonic white apron ", "And the servant, that was set over the reapers, answered and said: It is the damsel that came back with Naomi out of the country of Moab.". 24. The Eastern Star rituals, degrees and secrets are definitely FATAL to the soul of its members. Here you'll find all collections you've created before. Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them.. In language, customs, and modes of thought, we are cast in different moulds; butin Masonic unity we are one, and one in Masonic faith. This is the opposite to Christianity with is governed by faith and love. The word is derived from the Hebrew Kabal, signifying to receive, because it is the doctrine received from the elders the Cabala may be defined to be a system of philosophy which embraces certain mystical interpretations of Scripture In these interpretations and speculations, according to the Jewish doctors, were enveloped the most profound truths of religion, which, to be comprehended by finite beings, are obliged to be revealed through the medium of symbols and allegories (pp. It would be wise to tread carefully when key tenets of an organization are only revealed to upper levels. Blue symbolizes Fidelity. ", Photo Credit: GettyImages/Andrii Yalanskyi, As noted above, the Order is selective. She asked that she might go among the mountains for two months and there prepare her mind for the solemn surrender of her life to preserve her father's honor. Though the Order is carefully not identified as Christian, but rather open to all believers in a Supreme Being, these biblical women form its core. During the march there should be vocal or instrumental music. Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us. Royal Arch degree analysed It was the day of the grand council of governors, princes and officers of Persia. ", "Charity suffereth long and is kind: charity envieth not. Entered Apprentice exposed and analysed ( 1 ). Electa. Naomi, aged and dependent, resolved to return to the land of her nativity. Ruth raised her hands to show him how small were her gleanings and that she had not taken from the sheaves; placed them meekly upon her breast as proof of her willingness to submit to whatever lot she might be called upon to endure, casting her eyes upward, as appealing to God. ", "Jesus saith unto her, I am the resurrection and the life, he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. As our hopes and aims and labours are one, we, trusting in one God, and doing, each of us, what we believe to be His expressed will, do humbly expect a common reward when we have passed that common lot which none can escape. In The Lights and Shadows of Freemasonry Morris wrote, I have fully expressed my admiration for much of the character and many of the precepts of Mohammed, as embodied in the Koran. By the sword Adah was slain. Why Do We Need to Be Crucified with Christ? Though a person can be a Christian and a member of the Order of the Eastern Star, the two ideologies are not necessarily compatible. They were known among the people of the country as followers of Christ. January 15, 2023, 9:00 am, by The Chapter is called up and a circle is formed around the Altar in the following manner by the officers joining hands: Secretary, between Adah and RuthAssociate Matron, between Ruth and EstherAssociate Conductress, between Esther and Martha Treasurer, between Martha and Electathe Worthy Matron, at the left of Electa. thou hast brought me very low, for I have opened my mouth unto the Lord and I cannot go back." Its lessons are Scriptural, its teachings moral, and its purposes beneficent. Orientation: portrait, vertical. PDF format: Paper size: US Letter. The work of our Order is worthy of our earnest labor; and we shall rejoice to find you excelling in zeal our most devoted members. You will now be conducted to the Secretary's desk where you will sign the By-Laws of this Chapter and become entitled to all the privileges of membership; after which you will be re-conducted to your present position. Secret Masonic Handshakes, Passwords, Signs and Grips for the Entered Free kindle book and epub digitized and proofread by volunteers. I present this sister to be instructed in the commendable virtue of heroic endurance of the wrongs of persecution, when demanded in defense of Truth, as illustrated in the lesson of Electa. The Secret Work of the Order of the Eastern Star is comprised of Six Signs, Five Passes, Two Mottoes, a Word, and a Grip, in addition to certain special answers to stated questions. These we are bound to obey so long as we remain members of the Order, and in this obedience we shall expect you to share. 20 Questions to Answer Before Approaching an Eastern Star Prospect 1. ", "By this we know that we walk in the truth. By it you bind yourself to the most solemn secrecy respecting the work of the Order and to the performance of those acts of kindness and forbearance, which are essential to our welfare and prosperity. Here are five warnings about the Order of the Eastern Star you should consider before joining: 1. It has its own god During the march there should be vocal or instrumental music, or the Worthy Patron may recite the following: W. P. "Happy is the man that findeth Wisdom and the man that getteth understanding. Masonic authority Albert Mackey speaks of the Kabbalah in his comprehensive work the Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry, explaining, This word is frequently written Kabbala The mystical philosophy or theosophy of the Jews is called the Cabala. Its simplest is as a symbol of fidelity. The fourth is the Sister's sign, or the sign of Martha. There are a few things you should carefully consider first. The name of the Order, the names of its degrees, and modes of recognition are unchangeable. The Conductress closes the door and advancing to a position in front of the Associate Matron, facing the East, says: Cond. Beliefs and Practices of this Cult, What Is a Cult? Complain not, therefore, at any trial. The Worthy Patron will say: W. P. Sister Conductress, you will escort the Worthy Matron to the East. Jesus told the thief on the cross, a criminal under the death penalty, Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise (Luke 23:43). The queen approached. 1. Most Christians recognise these Old Testament references (from the Songs of Solomon) as being typical referrals to Jesus Christ. Churches are also meant to be positive forces in the community. The color appropriate to this degree is white; a symbol of Light, Purity and Joy and should teach us that a pure and upright life is above the tongue of reproach. Ritual of the Order of the Eastern Star - Free Ebook - Project Gutenberg A mens or womens ministry? The Eastern Star was long known as Sirius, the Dog Star, or the star of the Egyptian god of chaos, Set. Into this field of labor you have now entered. We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us, John says in 1 John 1:2-3. Best Luxury and 5 Star Hotels and Resorts in Dsseldorf, North Rhine January 15, 2023, 12:00 am. She hears the cry of the orphan, the call of want and the piteous wail of sorrow. We extend to you a fraternal love and shall rejoice to learn that your devotion to the great moral and social purposes of our Order is earnest and persistent. Adah represents the virtue of obedience to duty. The choice fell upon Esther, who, amid national rejoicing and royal magnificence, became the queen of Persia. The following is taken from The Masonic Collections post The 5 Points of the Eastern Star: The first point of the star. ous and eternal its issues! This heretical attempt to place the heathen gods of this world on the same plane, or in the same godhead, as the God of heaven is a grave violation of the truth of Gods Word and the explicit teaching of His Commandment. If God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.". The Sun is appropriate to Esther, as a symbol of the Light and Joy she gave to an oppressed and captive race. However, these are things that should be found in abundance in a healthy church. The Bible further says, For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time (1 Timothy 2:5-6). Eastern Star Sign - Etsy B D It is given ( 9. ) The sons married women of Moab, named Ruth and Orphah. The Order of the Eastern Star is open to men who are Master Masons, and female relatives, spouses, and descendants of Master Masons. Eastern Star Secret Signs | FREE Download, Eastern-Star-Secret-Signs.pdf Downloaded 33 times 228.89 KB. Eastern Star theology is no different. However, it also has a sizeable library of prayers, and prayer is included in the extensive ceremonies held by the Order. Queen Esther, when informed of the cruel edict, resolved to risk the loss of royal favor and life itself, to save her people from death. The upside-down five-pointed star, or pentagram, is also the symbol of the Church of Satan and a well-known symbol of the occult. The Lord does not limit by age. Eastern Star Secret Signs | FREE Download Ready Made Free to download and print. It has, two. Master Mason exposed and analysed, Mark Master degree (Irish working) exposed and analysed The Conductress, with the candidate at her right, will advance to the open space at the left of the Worthy Matron; and when the words "golden chain thus lengthened" in the prayer are being pronounced, the Worthy Matron will extend her left hand and take the right hand of candidate and the Conductress will join the circle at her left, thus making it complete. The location is quite good, close to a Metro station and only one stop away from the Old Town. Her colour is white, and her cardinal virtue is fidelity. Woe unto the faithless and insincere, who assume obligations lightly and forthwith forget them. Begin. The later development of a so-called Christian Kabbalah came to the fore in the 1200s and has interested Occultists ever since. Cond. W. M. It is with pleasure that I welcome you into this Chapter. Freemasons For Dummies Cheat Sheet - dummies The Kabbalah approach is extremely allegorical and superstitious, using things like numerology and other surreptitious methods to find alleged hidden and deeper meanings in the inspired text. You have doubtless well considered the step you have taken in seeking admission to this Order, dedicated to Charity, Truth and Loving-kindness. The Order strongly maintains in their FAQs that they are not a secret society. Having received the degrees of our Order and, therefore, being able to assist you, permit me to direct your preparation for the ceremonies of initiation. You came here of your own free choice. The Conductress will communicate the Grip to the candidate. The candidate is led inside the door and stopped. Her colour is red, and her cardinal virtue is patience. This brings up interesting questionswhat God, exactly, are the prayers directed to? ), The Grip of the Order is given by ( 20. First, a member must be a female relative of a Master Mason or be a Master Mason. Show prices. We have seen it and testify to it, and we proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and has appeared to us. The Officers should carefully change the words, adapting them to the initiation of a Lady or Gentleman, or Ladies and Gentlemen, as circumstances require. All the different mysteries or Occult societies (whether ancient or modern) utilise a combination of ceremonial rites and oral tradition to achieve their ultimate ends. The Lily of the Valley is appropriate to Ruth, as a symbol of Loveliness among the Lowly. Post author: Post published: June 29, 2022 Post category: Uncategorized Post comments: alaska federal credit union jobs alaska federal credit union jobs You have heard the words of Eastern Star Secret Signs | FREE Download in 2022 | Eastern star I have. This, and a form of Gnosticism, has held an important position within the cults of the arcane mysteries throughout the centuries. You may not be called upon to suffer in the same degree from the hand of persecutionbut there is always need of loyalty to Truth, and alas there is too often persecution. That our joy may be full. Morris had the idea that it would be nice to have a way for female relatives of Master Masons to share the benefits of knowledge and self-improvement that Freemasonry made available to men and to have a place in the Masonic Family that would allow men and women to participate together.. The General Grand Chapter was established in 1876, and its website proudly proclaims Eastablished (sic) in 1876, as this system has remained until the present day. Live a moral, ethical life. After a few years, Elimeleck and his sons died, leaving Naomi, Ruth and Orphah in mourning. eastern star secret signs order of the eastern star proficiency test Create this form in 5 minutes! The Secret Work of the Order of the Eastern Star is compriesd of Six Signs, Five Passes, Two Mottoes, a Word, and a Grip, in addition to certain special answers to stated questions. Electa rises and takes her position at the left of her chair. Juliangel Female Model Profile - Dsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia Begin you. The candidate is conducted around Martha's chair, leaving the chair to the right, then across the Star, leaving the Altar to the left, around Ruth's chair to Electa for instruction. It holds back blessing and it paralyses the mind. W. P. Sister Associate Conductress, you will retire and prepare the candidate for the ceremonies of initiation. Esther, attired in her queenly apparel, with heroic purpose, sought the presence of the king. Required fields are marked *. She was visited by a band of soldiers, one of whom handed her the cross, with a command Book the most exclusive boutique, luxury and 5 star accommodation in Dsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany at the best prices. The Worthy Matron rises and addresses the candidate. Cand. the Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star of North Dakota. The Lion is appropriate to Electa, as a symbol of the Courage and Power that sustained the martyr defenders of Truth. Ruth rises and takes her position at the right of her chair. Wiccan Witchcraft revealed and compared to Freemasonry.