Henry Ford(King) Frederick IIGaylord Freeman. Disney Pedophilia and Satanic Role Models https://truthsgnosis.com/2020/11/16/disney-33-freemason/ [], JULIAN COULTON INVESTIGATES BRITAINS NEWEST AND QUICKEST BUILT CITY INTERESTING FREEMASON https://brandnewtube.com/v/rFtQdB, Your email address will not be published. Dual 33s = 88 pieced together. In this paper, we propose a scalable yet flexible access control enforcement . 0. Hayden C. Boyce. John Drick. It is the religion of Christianity, Islam, Judaism - the pagan cults of Dionysus, Saturn, Chronos, Shiva, Jupiter, Zeus, Apollo, Horus, Settake which ever name you prefer as your, "savior" and you end up worshipping the same sun-god sacrifice religions of oldand worshipping the moon - it is a reflection of the SUN - it is the MOTHER - the worship of SOLOMON and 666 (six = sex = hex). Peace. In addition to sponsoring a Masonic Club for Disneyland employees, Walt Disney also created the infamous Club 33, located at 33 Royal Street in Disneyland, which is located on the 33rd parallel north. 33rd Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Scientific Conference 2010 Abstract and poster presentation, presented by J.J. Hidalgo. 2 3s pieced together make an "8" symbol. Lyndon Baines Johnson. Young girls are turned into miniature sex kittens. and within 650 m of 911 ground zero. Is there really something to 33 or is it just another number like any other? It is just a thought. The human spine consists of 33 vertebrae and the foot has 33 joints. World War. Andrew Nicholson is an author whose articles have been featured on sites like The Anomalist, Mysterious Universe, paranormal.about.com and weirdaustralia.com the latter of which he created himself. 1963: The Kennedy Assassination President John F. Kennedy Sr. was shot and killed in Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas near the 33rd Parallel on 11/22/63 (11 + 22 = 33). Domenico Margiotta. His medical chart is missing. Europe faces pressure to produce more. The ancient city of Babylon was very near the 33rd parallel while modern Baghdad is on the 33rd parallel. 30th degree but is not totally clear until the 33rd degree, as it is of a certain size also. Mini Manna MomentsThe Bucegi mountain secrets - Hidden From Humanity Abdul Alhazred | The H.P. Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. The 33rd parallel north is a circle of latitude that is 33 degrees north of the Earth's equatorial plane. The first nuclear explosion took place in Alamogordo, New Mexico on parallel 33. Masonic Organizations, appendant bodies, OES, Scottish Rite, Shriners, York Rite, Job's Daughters. In addition to sponsoring a Masonic Club for Disneyland employees, Walt Disney also created the infamous Club 33, located at 33 Royal Street in Disneyland, which is located on the 33rd parallel north. Roscoe Pound(Gen.) Colin L. Powell. The 33rd President Harry S Truman, announced the news that the bomb had been detonated from the cruiser, USS Augusta, in the mid-Atlantic, saying that the device was more than 2,000 times more powerful than the largest bomb used at that time to date. 85. Cape Town, South Africa and Sydney in Australia also correspond to the mysteries. Between 1. New World Order. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . Anon, thanks for your reply. So, have fun worshipping the sun and moon all you want, but either way, it is the road to solitary lunacy BLaming patriarchical societies for every single ill that is confronting humanity is very much scape-goating. The consequences were severe: On Sept. 11, 2015, a crane fell, causing 107 casualties, including the 15-man crew, and injuring as many as 238.The conspiracy alleges that, as a cover-up, the . Illuminati hypersexualization of children exposed! Richard Cheney. Both Islam and Christianity have twisted origins that spread through out the world both by the sword, psychological manipulation , manipulation of physical evidence, bribery and many more battle tactics. On the African continent, in the town of Casablanca located in Morocco, a large square and hexagonal pyramidal construction are located on the 33rd parallel. Another significant UFO event that shares more than one parallel with Roswell is the Phoenix Lights event of the evening of 13 March 1997. C. Fred Kleinknecht, who attempted to defend both Pike and the Ku Klux Klan from La. On the African continent, in the town of Casablanca located in Morocco, a large square and hexagonal pyramidal construction is located on the 33rd parallel. In the Essenes Revelation there is so much more hope, when we change ourselves that all the wrath wont happen compared to the Revelation in the bible where is just seems like were screwed no matter what. mmmm Im now getting an error 503, even when using google to search..intrigueing ! Lol. Scottish Rite officials conferred upon Johnson the 4th to 3. And as in the Roswell case, there appears to be some level of orchestrated military and government subterfuge involved. JFK was murdered at Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas near the 33rd Parallel on 11/22/63 (11 + 22 = 33). We all know that the number 33 is not JUST a number, and we cannot help but relate it to many interesting facts that provide a bit of mystery to it. Frederick Engels Senator Sam J. Fleming. Anyways, keep up the good blog! The following month, atomic weapons obliterated the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, despite neither city having much in the way of real political or military significance. Mystery Trackers: The Secret of Watch Hill Collector's Editi. Namara Vasili Maklakov. James Rothschild. Full website at tsot33p.com! I am almost at a point where I don't believe in a satan, lucifer or devil. Ronald Reagan was shot in the 3rd month on the 30th day 3 + 30 = 33. After the Civil War, Pike was found guilty of treason and jailed, only to be pardoned by fellow Freemason President Andrew Johnson on April 2. 33rd Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Scientific Conference . Disney & Nestle Pause Advertising After Reports of a Pedophile Network Rampant On Youtube, Symbols and Logos Used by Pedophiles to Identify Sexual Preferences. Your email address will not be published. The first nuclear explosion took place in Alamogordo, New Mexico on parallel 33. Harry S. Vassal. Like Roswell, Phoenix is also located along the 33rd parallel. The invisible society is a secret and most August fraternity whose members are dedicated to the service of a mysterious arcannum arcandrum. 4 of them that make a square perfectly around africa. Thurgood Marshall. Third and Final. Whats with the number 33? Mark Hatfield. The Secrets of the 33rd Parallel 12 of 16. You just have to find a site for entering lats and longs there is a google popup. Francesco Crispi. Another organization some consider a secret society with Luciferian links to the Illuminati, although to others its merely an inept world body lacking any real power or influence the United Nations may also find significance in the number 33. The first nuclear explosion took place in Alamogordo, New Mexico on parallel 33. Rendlesham Forest 1980 Pt II - Will There Be An Answer? The event that today remains synonymous with UFO and alien lore, the rumoured 1947 crash and retrieval of an extraterrestrial craft at Roswell, New Mexico, occurred, you guessed it, on the 33rd parallel. Many jews were rounded up and killed. He was given a fair trial and was judged guilty by a jury of peers. Now you know. Rev. A flamboyant, obsessed professor and his two equally colorful cohorts travel the world along the 33rd Pa Albert Pike's Background. there are 2, north and south.. the north one runs through some interesting There is not one degree of leeway between the two. More background on the colorful history of the statue can be found at. A sentence was passed upon him by a regular court under the laws of the United States of America. Shimon Peres. UFOs in the Bible: Were the Cherubim Chariots of the Gods? The parallels 33 North and 33 South are another interesting topic of discussion. I would like a little help on the NATgrid system -- the same system that exists in USA is being copied and brought into India.They are going to give out UAID, without which we will not be able to buy food/ property and any other transaction without the Government knowing about it.It is supposed to be helping curb "terrorism" in India, but i think its just like the same Chip system in the body, they would eventually be employ in USA on a large scale.What is the NATgrid system of USA like?can you throw some light on it in your blogs when you have time. The return of paganism is the same as the current religious institutions bent on murder and genocidejust on different rationales (by appearances only). Some say that Maha was taken from Hebrew, meaning, What, the builder.. 33- THE SECRET OF NUMBER 33, 33 PARALLEL. On February 1, the campaign drew an. James Cameron. MANY ACTS OF WAR, MURDER, AND ASSASSINATION HAVE OCCURRED ON OR My first run in with 13 of course was the 13 colonies. Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov Gets Laughed At During New Delhi Conference. Session Length: Approx 4 hours. 3 subordinate councils in strategic places throughout the world, including five Grand Central Directories in Washington, DC (North America), Montevideo (South America), Naples (Europe), Calcutta (Asia), and Mauritius (Africa), which were used to gather information. . $19.95. Very few outsiders know about the intimate plans of Albert Pike and the architects. Wrong Assessment, Illuminati controls the exclusive religions that has taken many lives to create the new world order of today.I am getting bored now. Benjamin Netanyahu G. Bromley Oxnam. I could never do the slaughtering. There are 13 stripes for the 13 original colonies.Could be the part of the same equation? 3 months and 11 days later on 2/22/2005 the CDC starts scaring the American people with more avian flu mutation propaganda, mentioning possible military enforced 'quarantines' coming for the American people. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Please be advised that some may find upsetting content related to abuse on this page. Illuminati Hypersexualization of Children Exposed! Its called by different namews in different books. Battle Of L.A, 1942. "Ancient Aliens" meets "No Reservations". On the African continent, in the town of Casablanca located in Morocco, a large square and hexagonal pyramidal construction are located on the 33rd parallel. This is not a problem unique to Disney. Some believe that his parallel was specifically chosen for the assassination of Kennedy. Sitting on one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia, near the 33rd parallel, stands a huge granite monument. On the African continent, in the town of Casablanca located in Morocco, a large square and hexagonal pyramidal construction are located on the 33rd parallel. The seduction of secret societies is as old as the Garden of Eden, when the serpent beguiled Eve, saying to her, "Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil" (Genesis 3:4-5). The Secrets of The 33rd Parallel. Storm Thurmond. PeaceThe Essene Gospel of Peace. Duke Michael of Kent. Were not your policies radically different from Reagan's? Left unchecked it will completely consume every thing in its path. It certainly isn't a negative number for me, lol. Rev. As of now I am still a hypocrite, as I still eat meat on occasions so I still need to change myself. Marty had to hit 88. the secrets of the 33rd parallel. The city of Phoenix is located on Parallel 33. As we shall soon see, many pivotal events of recent history have occurred along the 33 rd parallel. He has brought through a wave of new information that clearly explains in detail how the universe works, and how each person creates the reality they experience. (Russian), 200 Dokaza da Zemlja Nije Rotirajuca Lopta (Serbian), 200 Dkazov, e Zem nie je Rotujca Gua (Slovak), 200 Pruebas de que la Tierra No es una Pelota que da Vueltas (Spanish), 200 Bevis Att Jorden Inte r Ett Snurrande Klot (Swedish), 200 Pruweba na ang Mundo ay Hindi Isang Umiikot na Bola (Tagalog), - 200 (Tamil), 200 (Thai), (Urdu). Is the supposed significance just us humans looking for patterns wherever we can find them? One of the difficulties that I have with your numerology is that most cultures/religions have developed their own system of metaphor and symbolism around numbers.They are a foundation of knowledge and are abstract from the material world. Jessie James. I think it's very interesting that the number of turns in a complete sequence of human DNA equals 9 and 1. the Creator is Two-Faced?)? Join MU Plus+ and get exclusive shows and extensions & much more! Harman Gansvort Reynolds. It crosses North Africa, Asia, the Pacific Ocean, North America and the Atlantic Ocean. Rouche and Bevel's attack. And I do believe we need to care for this planet we survive on, without it, we would have nothing. In the Book of Enoch, Mount Hermon is the place where the Grigori; "Watchers, Sons of God or the Nephilim ," a class of fallen angels descended to Earth, and is at 33 degrees latitude and longitude. Are your thinking physical destruction? I also was taught how to make all kinds of cheeses, high probiotic yogurt, and how to care for the goats properly. https://www.biography.com/law-figure/j-edgar-hoover. Thus, we see the following numbers in the JFK assassination: Or, are the so-called Powers That Be orchestrating events to coincide with certain numbers considered in esoteric circles to be influential, powerful, or even magical? While watching a documentary on ancient history of civilization they began to speak of the 33rd parallel and it turns out there is a lot of shocking Well there are, if we travel along the 33rd parallel from the Middle East all the way to the Far East, we can actually find the fabulous White Pyramid which is located about 60 miles southwest of Xian. I kind of think that these are just man-made ideas that have been manipulated and exaturated so many times that it has affected our present way of thinking.I do believe in a creator of some sort. "And once they are destroyed, what are you going to replace it with? John Kennedy, were not either Masons or elite members of. They are an extension of French Freemasonry, and considered liberal. Paul Moritz Warburg. The Pilot teaser for The Secrets of The 33rd Parallel! Bastards! Required fields are marked *. It is also based on golden mean mathematics and seduction, manipulation of light, and death-rebirth symbolismand the four-square foundation of deceit (four seasons, four elements, four directions).To live in harmony with nature then means human sacrifice - both symbolic and literal. 1. It is approximate at the midpoint between the equator (0 degrees) and the Arctic Circle (66.6 degrees North Latitude.) One of the Strangest Mysteries in the History of NASA: Conspiracy or Complete Garbage? Stretching from the Chesapeake Bay to Santa Cruz, CA, the 37th Parallel has been called the UFO Highway and the Paranormal Highway.. On June 2. Plutarco Elias Calles. Rabbi Leo Baeck. Babylon is very near the 33rd Parallel, as we reveal above; but, the current city of Baghdad is located right on the 33rd Degree Parallel. All of these branches have been the secret headquarters for the Illuminati's activities ever since. Century Albert Pike. The, "lord" from on high made it pretty clear in the first several verses of the Bible who and what God/god is. This is why they said in the Bible that the ministry of Christ begins at 30 and finishes at 33. Billy Graham. Adriano Lemmi. Now Available on BasharTV*, DVD and Instant Download! posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 07:56 AM. Exposing subliminal sexualizing content aimed at young children from Hollywood, TV shows, Movies, and the pedophile fashion industry. For some, numbers have very special significance, with the ability to conceal true meaning from all but the initiated. 1756 Charleston, South Carolina, the original site of Scottish Rite Masonry in the United States, is only 15 miles south of the 33rd Parallel He was responsible for killing of thousands of Japanese (the Yellow Peril) at two cities close to the 33rd Parallel, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Timothy McVeigh was not a "suspect" who was murdered". Leon Zeldishttp: //www. Leon Trotsky. 84 likes. The Phoenix Lights which were reported by thousands of people in the skies above the city were one of the most massive UFO sightings in history, according to witnesses in two separate ufo events. Lord Alfred Milner. John Yarker. Completely incorrect analysis, to live in harmony means to take from nature enough to live and replace what you take from it. In 1935, Walt Disney was summoned to Paris, France to receive a medal for the creation of Mickey Mouse from the League of Nations. . Albert Pike died on April 2, 1. The National Park Service describes Launch Complex 33 as: Closely associated with U.S. testing of the German V-2 rocket, the origins of the American rocket program, and the leadership of Dr. Werner von Braun. A 2006 World Mysteries article via Red Ice Creations takes reader on a mystical mystery tour of the 33rd parallel. 1 example to get you going, the symbol for the sun, the "swastika" is a double helix being viewd from above.all the best dude, oh and get a copy of the I-Chingpeace, "Ice freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit and changes to water at 33 degrees"Water freezes and melts at the same temperature, 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Palladism had been brought to Greece from Egypt by Pythagoras in the fifth century, and it was this cult of Satan that was introduced to the inner circle. advertisement. For instance, the first Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, was established in 1801 at Charleston, South Carolina. Albert Pike wrote a blueprint of events that would play themselves out in the 2. While watching a documentary on ancient history of civilization they began to speak of the 33rd parallel and it turns out there is a lot of shocking facts about the 33rd parallel. The ancient symbol is the logo of the god Saturn/Cronos. Where do you get this information from? The Bible has and is revealing these things you have just got to look deep into its pages and see there is allot to do with symbolism and numerology all through it all there to warn us about the days ahead. Are we all bad? He set up 2. Searching for answers to From sea to shining sea, this line on the map is littered with histories of cattle mutilations, UFO sightings, reports of underground military bases, and ancient native sacred sites. Subtitle: Further, is it just coincidence that Babylon was first major city to be established simply because it was on the 33rd Degree Parallel? Jesus Christ was 33 years old at the time of his death. Affirmative action runs on channeled talent. It's also worth noting that the 33rd parallel roughly demarcates the maritime-dominated subtropical climate to . Ilyar H. Lichliter. The city of Phoenix is located on Parallel 33. All true. So, in some circles at least, the number 33 holds esoteric significance as the highest of the master numbers. About 3 years later at the 33rd parallel in Roswell, New . He makes a connection between numerous ancient archeo-astronomy sites across the globe, all within one degree or so either side of the 33rd. 1, Issac Long, a Jew, brought a statue of Baphomet (Satan) to Charleston, South Carolina, where. Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in Washington, DC. Earl Wheeler. Heading west, the line passes through Damascus, Beirut, and onto two Templar castles one exactly on the 33rd latitude the other at 32.71. edit on 22-2-2011 by coyotepoet because: cleaning, edit on 22-2-2011 by coyotepoet because: (no reason given), edit on 22-2-2011 by teotwawki77 because: (no reason given), edit on 22-2-2011 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given), The Above Top Secret Web site is a wholly owned social content community of, Biden Admin Makes Stunning Admission On Climate Agenda In Leaked Internal Memo, The Nefarious Purpose Of Fact-Checking And 'Dis-Information' Debunking, FOIA Request Looks Into Biden Administration Using 3rd Party Grants To Push Online Censorship, Jeremy Boreing Launches New Chocolate Company In Response To Hershey's Woke Trans stunt, Ford wants cars to lock out drivers who are late on car payments, Ukraine is running low on ammo.