The tree does reasonably well in dry, neutral soils. Its interesting to read up on sourwood tree facts. Attributes This tree: Blooms from June to early July, with fragrant white flowers on drooping stalks that look very similar to lilies-of-the-valley. It will have a slight fall off in fall color and blossoms as a result of not receiving full sun but will still be stunning. UF/IFAS Electronic Data Information System, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. . For questions about home gardening, landscaping or commercial horticulture production, please contact your county extension agent. One of the most well-known products from the sourwood tree is the hard-to-find and incredibly delicious honey. Leaves from the sourwood tree are identified as lance-shaped with pointed tips and measure 3 to 6 (7.5 15 cm) long and up to 3 (7.5 cm) wide. . After filling the hole and tamping down the soil, water the sourwood thoroughly and mulch around the root zone. It should take three to four weeks for germination to happen. Ideally, the planting location should be rich in organic content that holds enough moisture without becoming too soggy. The foliar diseases appear as brown spots on leaves that quickly spread to the whole leaf. Native to the rocky hills and understory of the Appalachians, the sourwood enjoys the cooler weather of the upland eastern seaboard but can also do well as far south as Louisiana. Techniques have been described for sourwood seed collection, storage, and germination (2,5,14). Those panicles age into sweeping sprays of 1/3-inch oval, greenish-brown seed capsules which turn a silvery gray by . If youve never heard of sourwood trees, you have missed out on one of the most beautiful native species. The lack of cultivars is because the nursery trade has raised the breeding stock and found many significant mutations to breed. To get rid of webworms, you can cut the webs open to expose the larvae to birds that feed on them. It is home primarily in the woodlands and along the water. Looking for a source for a good sized, container grown sourwood tree to use as a focal point in a garden of primarily native plants. Space sourwood 15 to 20 feet apart; the tree grows 25 to 35 feet tall and 15 to 20 feet wide. The slender clusters of bell-like flowers measure 4 to 8 (10 20 cm) long. Root problems typify a number of the . Moderately resistant to deer damage. The Arboretum offers something for everyone in an unforgettable, tree-filled setting. Honey made from the nectar of these flowers is highly prized for its color and flavor. However, there seems to be agreement that the most difficult problems for sourwood arise because of its exacting cultural requirements as stated above. The midsummer flowering and beautiful fall foliage make sourwood an attractive ornamental. The hairy capsules ripen in late fall and contain tiny seeds. Old fall webworm tents attract invertebrates that birds often eat during late fall and winter. Choose a location with well-draining, slightly acidic soil to plant a sourwood tree. Their shape is reminiscent of lily-of-the-valley. They are elliptic to oval or oblong-lanceolate, acute, minnutely serrulate, accuminate, and broadly cuneate. Usually, its best to call in professionals to deal with the pest problem. Click here, then click on your county either on the map or from the list of counties below it. form a strategic partnership called N.C. Sourwood Tree Facts: Learn About The Care Of Sourwood Trees By Teo Spengler Sourwood trees offer delight in every season. Sourwood grows well in confined soil spaces with good drainage making it a candidate for urban plantings but is largely untried as a street tree. The dark, thick, furrowed bark is a major winter asset. Click this article to learn about the planting and care of sourwood trees. The trunk of a sourwood tree is straight and slender, the bark fissured and gray, and the crown narrow. It is a small to medium-sized deciduous tree that grows to be 20-30 feet tall. Growing in the upland forests of the southeastern United States, it is most abundant in the Alleghenies and the Blue Ridge mountains. Alternate, simple, finely-toothed, glossy green leaves (3 to 6 inches long to 1 to 3 inches wide) entire to serrate margin shiny and glossy, reminiscent of a peach or laurel leaf. Sourwood Honey comes from the nectar of the flower on the Sourwood Tree, which blooms in July/August of each year . Sourwood - Oxydendrum arboreumHeath Family (Ericaceae). Keep the fertilizer at least 1 foot away from a young trees trunk; expand the clear zone to 1 1/2 feet for an older sourwood. However, according to the Virginia Cooperative Extension at Virginia Tech, the sourwood tree can be difficult to start in your garden: "Despite its grace and beauty, sourwood trees are. Prune out infected branch tips and fertilize. Sourwood makes an excellent specimen tree, and can also be used in shrub borders with Rhododendron, Pieris and Leucothoe. N.C. If you are considering planting sourwood trees, youll be glad to learn that the foliage produces excellent fall color, consistently turning a bright crimson. Sourwood Tree Seedling gets its name from its sour-tasting leaves. Slow growth rate to 30 feet (9 m) in cultivation, greater in the wild. Additionally, the native tree does not grow in the wild in other countries apart from the United States. The tree transplants easily when young and from containers of any size. . Size: City trees are usually about 25-30' at maturity. Her thousands of published articles cover topics from travel and gardening to pet care and technology. Juice from its blooms is used to make sourwood jelly. Sourwood Tree Seedlings for Planting | 1-2 Feet Tall Live Tree Plants - Stunning Red Leaves and White Flowers (2 Trees) $42.96 $ 42. Sourwood has no serious disease or pest problems. Green leaves in the summer in Moore County. Sourwood usually grows as a pyramid or narrow oval with a more or less straight trunk at a height of 25 to 35 feet but can reach 50 to 60 feet tall with a spread of 25 to 30 feet. He founded and runs Urban Loggers, LLC, a company offering residential tree services in the Midwest and Connecticut. The name Sourwood is derived from the acrid taste of its leaves, but tea made from these leaves is widely used by mountain climbers as a thirst-quencher. Store in a . Leaf spots can discolor some leaves but are not serious other than causing premature defoliation. Keep the soil evenly moist. To grow Oxydendrum arboreum, keep the ground well-watered during dry spells. If you plant ten trees, four or five will die and half of the survivors will be unthrifty. Sourwood grows slowly, adapts to sun or shade, and prefers a slightly acid, peaty loam. Can live 100200 years if planted in the right site. Provide additional fertilizer in late fall to increase the soils nutrient content. Sourwood thrive along road cuts, often sprouting from stumps left behind. Ewing is located in USDA Zone 6b. Because of its famous honey, sourwood is also called the honey tree. Sourwood tree can be identified by its large, glossy green lanceolate leaves that turn bright red to reddish-purple color in the fall. The bark is red-brown with deep vertical furrows that separate flat, pointed ridges. It helps to amend the soil with compost to increase acidity and add sand or gravel to improve drainage. Similarly, the hickory horned devil caterpillar can attack sourwood leaves in late spring. Sourwoods are not drought-tolerant plants and require plenty of moisture during the growing seasons. Scientific Name: Common Name: Scientific Name Pronounciation: Plant Type: Tree Plant Hardiness Zones: Plant Hardiness Zone (s): Usual Size: Flower: Bloom Time Notes: Leaf: Fruit: Wildlife: Natural Habitat: Propagation: Bloom Time: Five-valved brownish dehiscent dry capsules , 1/3 to 1/2 inch long, that ripen to silver-gray in September and October. Even the straight species is difficult to find in the trade without looking for the plant in a specialty store. Webworms create web nests on the ends of branches and come out to feed on the tender leaves. The Sourwood Tree (Oxydendrum arboreum) also know as the sorrel tree, is a deciduous understory tree that is native to the eastern United States. The leaves are dark, lustrous green and appear to weep or hang from the twigs while branches droop toward the ground. The main types of pests affecting a sourwood tree are borers, weevils, webworms, and caterpillars. Place the young tree in the center, ensuring that it grows at the same height as before. In addition, its attractive summer green and white colors and excellent fall colors create a focal point throughout the growing seasons. You should remove dead or decaying branches in early spring. This native tree grows throughout the Eastern United States from Florida, Louisiana, and North Carolina north to Pennsylvania. It has simple, alternate, 3 to 8 inch, elongated leaves with finely toothed edges. Sourwood tree facts tell you that the scientific name is Oxydendrum arboretum. For an ornamental plant, the sourwood does not have huge levels of thirst. Sourwood trees can benefit from fertilization once a year in late fall. (zones 5-9). This tree will not tolerate dry, compacted, alkaline soils or deicing salt, and is sensitive to root disturbance, so it is not ideal for urban areas. Its said that sourwood leaves taste like sour apples. Sourwood honey is produced from honey bees extracting the nectar of the sourwood tree (Oxydendrum arboreum) and processing that nectar into honey. Flowers on sourwood trees are panicles of creamy-white, urn-shaped flowers that grow on one side of the stems and bloom in June and July. Oxydendrum arboreum, or Sourwood, is a deciduous smalltree that may grow 20 to 30feet tall and a trunk 8 to 12 inches in diameter. The Sourwood trees are native to the Black Mountains and Appalachian mountains regions that extend from the south of New York to eastern Canada. But the best known by-product of the Sourwood tree is the hard-to-find and extremely delicious honey that bees produce from the fragrant blossoms. Natural hollows in these trees are refuge for climbing reptiles and amphibians, bats and other small wildlife. The normal standard of watering weekly for the first two seasons applies, at a rate of two to three gallons a week per trunk diameter measured by caliper at chest height. The trunk of a sourwood tree is straight and slender, the bark fissured and gray, and the crown narrow. Also called the sorrel tree, a unique feature of the sourwood tree is that its the only species in the Oxydendrum genus. It is the only guaranteed way that I have found of beating . In summer, when most trees are done blooming, Sourwood will grace your yard with gorgeous lacy sprays of small, fragrant white flowers that resemble . Sourwood is one of the first trees to turn fall colors in the Eastern forest. This site was last updated on March 3, 2023. Part of the issue is related to exacting cultural requirements. It prefers normal moisture but has some drought tolerance. After the danger of frost has passed in spring and the seedlings are at least 6 (15 cm) tall, place the seedling tray in a shaded area in your garden. To plant a sourwood tree, dig a hole twice as wide as the trees root ball and the same depth. Sourwood tree (Oxydendrum arboreum) with red leaves in the autumn. You can then dig your hole for planting a sourwood tree. As far as diseases, twig blight kills leaves at the branch tips. The best way to prevent leaf spot is to avoid overwatering a sourwood tree and ensure it gets plenty of sunlight. The normal standard of watering weekly for the first two seasons applies, at a rate of two to three gallons a week per trunk diameter measured by caliper at chest height. Fall webworm can defoliate portions of the tree in summer and fall but usually control is not needed. Find on the Map. Fall webworm can defoliate portions of the tree in summer and fall but usually control is not needed. Only 1 terminal bud, smaller than side buds. Sourwood vector illustration. Also known as sorrel-tree or lily-of-the-valley-tree, its flowers are an important source of honey in some areas but it is of little value as a timber species. Too much cool air, humidity, and ground moisture can cause leaf spot fungi to affect foliage. When fully grown, these products can reach 30-60 feet and prefer well-drained soils. Sourwood Tree Seedlings or better known as Oxydendron Arboretum. Origin: US native - Virginia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee - grows along stream banks. The sourwood spends most of its time in the understory of the forests, draped in the shade of huge canopy trees like oaks and maples. Reports show that using stem cuttings to propagate a sourwood rarely succeeds. . To take care of sourwood trees, dont stint on water. Honey from the sourwood tree is known as North Carolina's most famous . With proper care, sourwoods can be ornamental overachievers. The fall color is a striking red and orange which is rivaled by only a few other trees such as Blackgum, Chinese Pistache, the pears, and Chinese Tallowtree. The simple leaves have a conspicuous midrib and fine feather-like veining. The new growth that appears is a bronze color with large, dark-green leaves that turn orange and scarlet in color in the Fall. Culture: Sun to part shade. Because of this, it is adaptable to various light conditions which makes it incredible versatile as invaluable in ornamental horticulture. . After filling the hole and. effective for aging men having kidney and bladder problems. Mix peat, composted pine bark or other organic material into the removed soil and begin refilling the hole, stopping halfway to water the roots and let the tree settle. The flowers themselves have a slight fragrance and are 1/4" long. If you are thinking of planting sourwood trees, you'll want to learn more sourwood tree information. It produces small, persistent, tan, dry capsules. The canopy is high enough that there would be plenty of daylight and air circulation. Bowel movements were also doctored using these leaves, making them regular and aiding patients during sudden, . The sourwood can be expected to grow in Hardiness Zones 59. Sourwood products were used to treat urinary problems (increase urine flow / diuretic), enlarged prostate, bowel . Another great tree that will fill out any landscape! Just the Facts. Their larvae eat through and overwinter in the stem tissue. The Arbor Day Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit conservation and education organization. Grows in Zones 5-9, Deciduous. Sourwood tree fruit: immature (left) and mature (right). The flower panicles are long and slender and can curve upward, with the urn-shaped flowers dangling downward. You may also appreciate sourwood tree information about the flowers, which are attractive to bees. Dark, thin, gray bark on mature trees is has light gray fissures, ridged and scaly, becomes blocky with age. Grow sourwood trees in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 9. The bell-shaped, 1/4- to 1/3-inch white flowers crowd into panicles up to 10 inches long which dangle from the tips of drooping branches in midsummer. It is not snobby like some ornamentals which require fussing and tending. Sourwood has no serious pests or diseases. Buds are lateral or axillary, small (less than an inch in size), are conical-globose, and sessile. Trees grow best in moist, well-drained acidic soils in full sun to light shade. Prefers full sun. Wood is heavy, hard, and closegrained, but is seldom used as a commercial wood. Flowers have a 5 lobed calyx and an urceolate corolla that is finely downy, white, 5-lobed, and minute. The tree produces 5-valved capsules borne on panicles that mature in the fall and release the very tiny, 2-winged seeds. Sourwood, also known as Lily of the Valley, is renowned by beekeepers for the high-quality honey that their pollen lends. After filling the hole, press down the soil to remove air pockets and thoroughly water the ground. A very ornamental plant, it will flower in 4 to 5 years after planting from seed. Sourwood has a deep and fibrous root system and has a reputation for being difficult to transplant or move. Prune an older tree to maintain its shape and remove pest-damaged, broken, rubbing or downward-growing limbs. How to Grow and Care for Kohuhu (Pittosporum tenuifolium), How To Grow and Care For Japanese Zelkova Trees, How to Grow and Care for American Hornbeam, How to Grow and Care for Canadian Hemlock Trees, How to Grow and Care for Japanese Maple Trees, How to Grow and Care for Osakazuki Japanese Maple, How to Grow and Care for 'Crimson King' Maple, How to Grow and Care for Chinese Pistache, How to Grow and Care for a Carrotwood Tree, 10 Poplar Trees: Pros and Cons of Each Type, How to Grow and Care for a Paperbark Maple Tree, How to Identify and Remove Tree of Heaven. The flowers droop from the stem and have a pleasant, sweet fragrance. Prune out infected branch tips and fertilize. Cooperative Extension prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex (including pregnancy), disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, and veteran status. If you encounter issues loading this site, please refresh the page by using Ctrl + F5 if on Windows or Cmd + Shift + R if on Mac. Come discover lush, green landscapes, and find respite and inspiration in the shade of towering trees. Birch Trees: Types, Leaves, Bark - Identification (With Images), Types of Trees With Thorns (Pictures and Names) - Identification Guide, White Oak Tree: Leaves, Bark, Fruit (Acorn) (Picture) Identification, Tree Fertilizers: When and How (Including The Best Tree Fertilizers), Sourwood Tree (Oxydendrum arboreum): Leaves, Bark, Flowers Identification Guide (With Pictures), panicles of creamy-white, urn-shaped flowers, Small or Dwarf Weeping Trees for Landscaping, Small Trees for Landscaping Compact Spaces. Sourwood trees are easy to identify in the fall due to their brilliant colors. Similarly, the edible white sourwood flowers have a fresh, acidic taste. Common names: Their trunk will grow as large as 50 cm in diameter. Help trees thrive in the Chicago region and around the world. They are also a laxative. Pennsylvania to Florida, west to Louisiana and Ohio. They are dark green in color and have a sour, acidic taste. Bees produce a rich and popular honey from the nectar. . A member of the heath family, Oxydendrum arboreum is primarily a hill country tree that has a range from Pennsylvania to the Gulf Coastal Plain. The botanical equivalent of operatic divas, sourwood trees (Oxydendrum arboreum) compensate for their temperamental quirks with four-season performance. Honey Jar Mock-Up - Male hands holding a honey jar on a gray. The trees that make most nectars grow in north Georgia and western North Carolina. In autumn, you can recognize the sourwood tree by the rows of brown fruit standing erect on curving stems. Occasionally young specimens have a more open spreading habit reminiscent of Redbud. You can find the sourwood from the coast of Virginia to North Carolina, over into Southern Ohio and Indiana, and down to Mississippi and Louisiana. The bright red colors stand out from other deciduous landscape trees that may be golden yellow or coppery-bronze. For example, equal parts perlite and peat moss are ideal. Sourwood rarely needs pruning. The leaves provide a tangy, tart flavor to stews when cooked. It makes an excellent specimen or focus of the center of a garden surrounded by native perennials. It can be difficult to grow in northern Illinois because it requires acidic soil. Why such a poor transplant survival rate? My Purple Plum Tree Looks Black Like Fungus: What Is This? You can also use a tree fertilizer with an NPK rating of 10-10-10. Plant in full sun to partial shade and dry or moist soil, but ensure it is well-drained. Another reason why the sourwood is so valuable as an ornamental tree in the landscape is because it does get seriously damaged by any insects or diseases that take up residence. Digital photograph. Branches droop toward the ground forming a graceful outline when planted as a single specimen. However, ensuring the sourwood tree gets plenty of sunlight and adequate water should make it resistant to most diseases. The abundant fragrant flowers give the sourwood tree a soft textured appearance when blooming in midsummer. This tree has a rounded top and branches that droop, making it appear graceful. Although moderately tolerant of salt, it doesnt perform well in drought or polluted environments. Also, the sweet aroma of the flowers attracts bees that feed on the sweet nectar. The Sourwood tree is renowned for its nectar, and for the honey which is produced from it. An Equal Opportunity University. Just like the leaves, these flowers also have a fresh, acidic taste. For graduate student information, contact Dr. Mark Williams at (859) 257-1758, or A thread in the Trees, Shrubs and Conifers forum, titled Oxydendrum arboreum seed germination help needed. A type of brown beetle (Oncideres cingulata) feeds on new bark, killing twigs. Sourwood has no serious pest problems. 6,649 views. Additionally, the tree produces small urn-shaped flowers that look like lily-of-the-valley flowers. We offer 3 days to report any problems with your order. A sourwood tree can live for 75 to 100 years with the proper care and attention. After the seedlings have developed two leaves, keep only the strongest ones and discard the rest. Twig borers lay eggs in the trees stems, and when the larvae hatch, they feed on new tissue growth inside the branches. Sourwood Tree. Order Your Sourwood Tree From TN Nursery Today Click this article to learn about the planting and care of sourwood trees. Trimming off weak-looking branches and leaving five to eight evenly spaced branches would be ideal. Leaves are dark, lustrous green and appear to weep or hang from the twigs. Plant damage by borers like the dogwood twig borers or azalea stem borers can cause new twigs to die off or leaves to curl downward. Full sun is the ideal condition for this tree, meaning it should get at least six hours of direct, unfiltered sunlight each day. Sourwoods are notorious for bad transplanting, so it's vital that you adequately water the newly planted tree. It was used as a tonic, decoction, and even as a gum; medicinal uses include treating urinary problems, prostrate conditions, diarrhea, dysentery, and many other symptoms. RF 2K10YG3 - A Sourwood tree (Oxydendrum arboreum) and its very red leaves is fronted by . Provides great fall color, with leaves turning crimson, purplish-red and sometimes yellow in the fall. This article is a comprehensive guide to growing a sourwood landscape tree in your front or backyard. Several fungal diseases can affect the growth of a sourwood tree. The growth rate is 2-3 feet each year. Gardening For Bees In Nebraska And West North Central Region, Ornamental Grasses Ohio Valley Gardeners Should Grow, Problems With Butterfly Bushes: Common Butterfly Bush Pests And Diseases, Pears And Fire Blight: How To Treat Pear Tree Blight, Hardy Kiwi Diseases: How To Treat A Sick Kiwi Plant, Feeding Amaryllis Plants Learn How And When To Fertilize Amaryllis Bulbs, Home & Garden Marketplace: Advertiser Info. Sourwood trees, also called sorrel trees, offer delight in every season, with flowers in summer, brilliant color in fall, and ornamental seed pods in winter. The Arboretum has the expertise and advice to help you beautify your home landscape, improve your community, and advocate for trees. Sourwood's bark is grayish brown tinged with red, and deeply furrowed with scaly ridges. The panicles persist after flowers drop and resemble long fingers. Pests are usually not a problem for Sourwood. The forest floor is covered in fallen leaves, which break down into leaf mold; this is the fungal material of decomposing leaves. . This tree can easily be identified by their lush dark green foliage which turns a striking fiery red in . A properly watered sourwood can survive for more than 75 years. Additionally, use nitrate-based fertilizer because ammonium ones will burn the roots. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! It goes by many other common or local names including sorrel tree, sorrel gum, sour gum, arrow wood, elk tree, lily-of-the-valley tree and titi tree. Sourwood tree can be identified by its flowers, leaves, and bark. We sell only container-grown plants in this species because of this limitation plus it reduces plant loss especially when planting orchards for honey production. Sourwood is a pyramidal to oval tree that grows 25 to 30 feet high and 20 to 25 feet wide. A tea made from the leaves has been used in the treatment of asthma, diarrhoea, indigestion. Unlike most ornamental trees, the sourwood does not have many cultivars. Plant Clinic Manager. The sourwood tree is an ornamental deciduous small tree famous for its white flowers, lanceolate leaves, gray-brown patterned bark, and red fall leaves.