Whereas Ichabod is skinny and bookish, Brom is sturdy, strong, and mischievous. In the text it says, "She wore the ornaments of pure yellow gold which her great-great grandmother had brought over from Saardam" (Irving 33). 3.65. See in text(The Legend of Sleepy Hollow). Brom Bones. PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. The story is about Ichabod Crane's quest to marry Katrina Van Tassel despite competition from a fellow suitor, Brom Bones. The implication is that Crane avoids punishing those students who have his physical characteristics not out of sympathy but because his apparent "sympathy" for the weak allows him to punish stronger students who have what he wants but does not havestrength. Find out how you match to her and 5500+ other characters. On her wedding day on a day after Halloween, she sports a beautiful wedding dress consisting of periwinkle short-sleeved bodice with matching brims on her sleeves and blue skirt, a white Juliet cap with a clear white veil attached to it, a bustle beneath her dress, and a bouquet of lilies. The Van Tassel family was and still is the richest family in Sleepy Hollow. See in text(The Legend of Sleepy Hollow). Struggling with distance learning? All works; Complete works only; Works in progress only; Word . The back of this character analysis worksheet considers Katrina van Tassel and her role in the story. -Graham S. The timeline below shows where the character Katrina Van Tassel appears in, confronted with a more terrifying being than ghosts and witches: a woman, or more precisely, require constant struggle to vanquish. Washington Irving was very descriptive of Brom Bones' personality. The only child of a wealthy farmer, Baltus Van Tassel, Katrina is eighteen and universally known for both her beauty and her riches. Brom Van Brunt. Interests the occult, archery, blind folds, and the occasional bit of witchcraft. Baltus Van Tassel, also known as Balt, is a thriving and contented farmer, father of Katrina, who is perfectly happy within the confines of his farm. Shows Crane's rival for Katrina Van Tassel is Brom Van Brunt. 100. Katrina has only one brief line of dialogue ("Yoo hoo!") Baltus Van Tassel. Thus, though Brom is a hero, he is not without flaws. In "Rip Van Winkle" Irving uses, Dame Van Winkle to similarly display negative stereotypes of women. She takes delight in the attention of the men, leading on Ichabod Crane in his efforts to woo her. Katrina is described as spirited and beautiful. He is decidedly unheroic, subject to the whims of superstition and deception. He helped the farmers in their work in his neighborhood. Feature films Ichabod Crane, Katrina Van Tassel, and the Headless Horseman are 3 of the main characters in "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow." Katrina is a witch, the wife of Ichabod Crane and the mother of Henry Parrish. Get paid for your art. A knight in skittish armor, Ichabod Crane tries to restore justice to an unjust world, and his inherent goodness shines like a beacon through the gloom of Sleepy Hollow. Katrina Van Tassel is the star of her own life story, the equivalent of a modern-day movie star in her small town. Complete your free account to request a guide. He has a loyal and happy wife, and he adores his only child, Katrina. Washington Irving. Ichabod Crane is the schoolmaster in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, the second segment of Disney's The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad. Ollie JohnstonWard KimballFred MooreKen O'Brien Katrina van tassel Stock Photos and Images. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. . The character of Ichabod Crane is the protagonist of Washington Irving's The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Apr 18, 2017 - The beautiful Katrina Van Tassel. The story describes how Ichabod Crane persistently frightened himself by supposing he . You'll be able to access your notes and highlights, make requests, and get updates on new titles. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. Status Read Katrina van tassel biography by brittanysrov on Issuu and browse thousands of other publications on our platform. He physically looks like a crane, a large bird, because he has long, spindly limbs like a cranes legs. The Van Tassel siblings are witches who descend from the Van Tassel line of witches. His attempt to woo Katrina Van Tassel fails just before he meets the headless horseman, who is most likely Ichabod's primary competition in disguise. Irving uses the character's appearances to foreshadow their character traits by using the impressions they give off . Elegant and yet authoritative. He is most likely the one in disguise as the Headless Horseman. Partner(s) Katrina Van Tassel Princess Maker DollDivine. Washington Irving. The noun shrewdness describes the condition of having good judgment, while conversely the noun credulity means a tendency to quickly believe in something. He is the local schoolmaster, and strongly believes in all things supernatural, including the legend of the Headless Horseman. By dreaming of [kick]ing any itinerant pedagogue out of doors that should dare to call him comrade, Crane denounces his own identity and place in the world. The characters are foils to one another. Katrina burns the evidence linking to her father and proclaimed Ichabod as heartless, when she had a mind to give him hers. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. Complete your free account to access notes and highlights. Just so, what character is terrified Ichabod Crane? What's interesting is that the real Van Tassels may have ties to the Hessian soldier. katrina_van_tassel. She is regarded as the most beautiful, most blooming, and most stunning person in Sleepy Hollow. Be notified when an answer is posted. Eleanor Van Tassel Brush is likely to be the inspiration for Katrina Van Tassel. Indeed: Heads will roll.. Katrina Van Tassel Traits Katrina Van Tassel is described as beautiful, blooming, ripe, plump, and universally famed. To take advantage of all of CharacTours features, you need your own personal Katrina Van Tassel is a one dimensional and static character unlike Ichabod and Brom. According to the original author, Washington Irving, she is "blooming, plump as a partridge, ripe, melting, and rosy-cheeked." -. He is revered by people his own age and the older generations as well. Cullina, Alice. His level of intellectual sophistication is questionable, given that his favorite author is the Puritan Cotton Mather, who painted the world in very black-and-white terms, and the fact that he believes every ghost story he ever hears. The narrator uses the word ''coquette'' several times to. It is important to note, though, that without the generosity of these families, Crane would have nowhere to live, so his work is not without reward. His erudition and skill at singing are disputed only by the narrator. Crane is hellbent on finding out the logical, reasonable cause for these murders, while everyone else in the town remains superstitious, including Katrina. A cavalier is a horseman, usually of military rank. What different things does Katrina Van Tassel wear to demonstrate each of the things she is known for? No doubt Katrina's plan all along has been to join her life with her male equal, the hero of Sleepy Hollow, Brom Bones. LitCharts Teacher Editions. Inspiration Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. The Van Tassel family was and still is the richest family in Sleepy Hollow. Oh, dads. He is good-looking and fun-loving. He has a loyal and happy wife, and he adores his only child, Katrina. When the people of Sleepy Hollow begin losing their heads mysteriously, one by one, a legend of the Headless Horseman begins circulating the town until science-savvy medical man Ichabod Crane is sent into town from New York City. Irving's glimpses of Van Tassel show her as "the young love interest." But, she's the driver behind the actions of Ichabod Crane and Abraham Van Brunt. Character Analysis (Avoiding Spoilers) Grew Up in Sleepy Hollow in the late 18 th century. On Halloween night at a party at her house with Ichabod Crane, her hair is pigtailed with blue ribbons. The word graciously indicates that Katrina accepts Cranes advances, even if she does not reciprocate his feelings. Costumes for Katrina Van Tassel. Ichabod was genuine, where as Brunt was not. . I can't believe that I forgot that she takes off her bonnet for the end party! Let's recap. Firework: Wonderful World of Animation Father of Katrina Van Tassel, and a wealthy farmer whose estate bursts with natural and culinary abundance. - Katrina Van Tassel is Ichabod Crane's love interest and the deuteragonist of Sleepy Hollow who lays a big part in the investigation for the killing spree happening in her hime town of Sleepy Hollow. spoken off-screen. The dark character traits of jealousy and envy . Brom Bones is the secondary antagonist of Disney's 1949 short, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (the second half of The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad). Answer and Explanation: His physique and bullying behavior always scares away rivals for Katrina's hand, but fails when he finally finds a match in Ichabod, with his wit, agility, and gentle behavior. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. If Ruby dressed like Katrina for Halloween. Upload them to earn free Course Hero access! Brom Bones , whose real name is Abraham Van Brunt, is Katrina's other suitor and is known for . Challenge surviving the murders of Sleepy Hollow. Katrina Van Tassel: In 'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow' by Washington Irving, Katrina Van Tassel is the daughter of one of the wealthiest local farmers. Personality seductive, ladylike, and helpful. Katrina Van Tassel Traits Katrina Van Tassel is described as beautiful, blooming, ripe, plump, and universally famed. Like Crane, Van Brunts last name is an aptonym, for he indeed brings his brunt, or forcefulness, into every scenario. She began the series as a heroine, but turned to villainy by the end of the show's second season. Ichabod dreams of marrying Katrina and inheriting the possessions of Van Tassel. The only daughter of Baltus Van Tassel, a wealthy Dutch farmer, who is courted by several village youths but especially by Brom Bones and Ichabod. Teachers and parents! LitCharts Teacher Editions. The story's antagonist, Brom Bones, is also pursuing Katrina. Want this question answered? In Course Hero. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Study Guide. In The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, the school teacher Ichabod Crane and the town hero Brom Bones were both pursuing Katrina Van Tassel, the "daughter and only child of a substantial Dutch farmer" (75). Katrina Anne Crane, ne Van Tassel, is the overall deuteragonist (as well as the narrator) in LOTM: Witnesses of Sleepy Hollow and its sequel, LOTM: Star Spangled Crown.She was the former leader of the Sisterhood of Radiant Heart, the daughter of the late Balthus Van Tassel, the wife of Ichabod Crane and the mother of Jeremy Crane.She is also arguably the founder of the Team Witness, or its . (2017, May 11). Ichabod Crane Character Analysis. Katrina Crane (nee Van Tassel) is one of the main characters appearing on the FOX dark fantasy series Sleepy Hollow and later became the final antagonist of it's second season. 2015-12-22 18:05:53. As the enraptured Ichabod fancied all this, and as he rolled his great green eyes over the fat meadow lands, the rich fields of wheat, of rye, of buckwheat, and Indian corn, and the orchards burdened with ruddy fruit, which surrounded the warm tenement of Van Tassel, his heart yearned after the damsel who was to inherit these domains, and his imagination expanded with the idea, how they might be readily turned into cash, and the money invested in immense tracts of wild land, and shingle palaces in the wilderness. He truly believes he is something of a "ladies' man" and is capable of winning the heart of the valley's most eligible young woman, Katrina Van Tassel. Over the past few years, I have been intrinsically drawn to this Disney character. Just at the point when Ichabod thinks he has won her over, the narrator suggests that an undisclosed attempt was unsuccessful, which means that Ichabod must leave her house dejected and susceptible to his worst fears. "Cotton Mather" Got it! Katrina Van Tassel, meanwhile, Ichabod Crane's unrequited love interest, was also presumably based on someone Irving knew personally. Summary: When Ichabod Crane arrives in the spooky little village of Sleepy Hollow as the new schoolmaster, Katrina Van Tassel is instantly drawn to him. Home Crane is thus at odds with himself: his grandiose imagination is savage to the reality of who he actually is. Ichabod Crane's adventure related in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow demonstrates where someone's unchecked and undesirable personality traits can lead him. He seems to desire Katrina for this reason only. He is mischievous, but he is often motivated by goodwill. Word Document File. Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. Rip Van Winkle's Neighbors: The Transformation of Rural Society in the Hudson River Valley. Katrina is a striking baby girl name. The noun cognomen comes from the Latin cognmen, which refers to ones third, or family, name. The character of Ichabod Crane is the protagonist of Washington Irving's The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Katrina is sought after by many men in town, and the most eligible bachelor appears to be Brom Van Brunt. In it, lanky newcomer and schoolmaster Ichabod Crane courts Katrina van Tassel, a young heiress who is . She is apparently the most beautiful girl in Sleepy Hollow. "his heart yearned after the damsel who was to inherit these domains, and his imagination expanded with the idea, how they might be readily turned into cash" But Katrina quickly takes a liking to Ichabod Crane, with whom she shares many secrets and similarities. Katrina is the only lead character in Disney animation with Dutch origin. Katrina Van Tassel: While the character of Katrina Van Tassel is key to the plot, she is never fully developed in the narrative. Ichabod CraneIchabod CraneIchabod Crane is a fictional character and the protagonist in Washington Irving's short story "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow". 10. Through their shared love of books and music, they form a friendship that quickly develops into romance. In this whimsical character analysis worksheet, students consider their knowledge of Ichabod Crane and Brom Bones to explain how they are similar and different. The ways they approach this goal are, naturally, very . Katrina Karamakov character in Australian TV show "Dance Academy" Katrina Van Tassel character in "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" Katrina Charlotte Coretta Scott "K.C." Cooper character on TV's "K.C. Katrina Van Tassel is Ichabod Crane's love interestand the deuteragonist of Sleepy Hollow who lays a big part in the investigation for the killing spree happening in her hime town of Sleepy Hollow. This passage suggests that Ichabod Crane only assists others when it benefits himin this case, he only walks home students who have attractive sisters or mothers who can provide him with food. Katrina is a witch, the wife of Ichabod Crane and the mother of Henry Parrish. Brom has singled out Katrina for his attentions, and most of the other rivals have already fallen away, not daring to cross his path. Katrina Anne Van Tassel : Because no one else would go with you. Ichabod fell for her after witnessing her looks (and of hearing of her fathers vast riches) and offers to carry her groceries home for her, but Ichabod's rival Brom Bones, who also had feelings for Katrina, sees this and pushes Ichabod into the mud. Family information Diction is used to clarify the situation and further define what an author depicts, in this situation, Irving uses diction to depict fear. A resident of Sleepy Hollow who claims to have nearly destroyed a British ship singlehandedly during the Revolutionary War. "small shrewdness and simple credulity" Source. An internal conflict is when a character struggles with their own feelings and/or beliefs. Original HTML and graphic design is copyright 2004 by Maria, updated by Andre. In "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" Washington Irving creates the character Katrina Van Tassel. Abraham Brom Bones Van Brunt: Ichabod Cranes double, foil, and rival is a young local man named Abraham Van Brunt. Katrina has a whole song dedicated to her sung by Bing Crosby during the film called". She is the daughter of Balt Van Tassel, a successful Dutch farmer. As a schoolmaster, he is a strict disciplinarian but probably not a very effective teacher. Van Tassel gives his daughter a relatively high amount of independence, allowing her to choose her suitors and eventual husband of her own accord. He's known for being a brilliant horseman and also Ichabod's rival in the pursuit of Katrina. Katrina Van Tassel - Katrina can be described in three words: pretty, petite, and .